[3] Sep 6, 2022 - Tuesday 15:39 [3]

384 18 1

| University Library 

♪ [ ~ Enchanted - Taylor Swift ~ ]

I enter the library and as I walk to the end of the room, I see a familiar back that I spent my last class admiring... so it's kinda hard not to recognize it now. She's holding a book.

My eyes do not come up from the ground as I walk past her table. I go to an empty one, which is four tables in front of hers, and I sit next to the window.

Hmmm... sun, ahh-warm...

I shiver.

I sat facing the opposite direction of where she is... sitting like this is normal, right...? I'm just a normal person... sitting on a normal seat... for no reason at all... if I can see her, it's just a normal thing... not planned... not intended.

Mhm, sure.

Shut up...

I open my laptop and start to read the guide.


I swear I had to read the first paragraph three times to actually understand what they meant... and I didn't like what they meant...

I look up. Now she's here... and if I look at her, she won't notice... so... I can't help but look at her from afar.

She's engrossed in her book. Her face is almost covered with it, but I can still see her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes that now from the sunlight streaming in from the window seem brighter... they are still intimidating... but not as much as before. She's so peaceful reading... her details that I missed 'cause I didn't want to stare the first time I saw her, I'm finding myself starting to notice them, one by one.

Is that a mole in her eye...? Cute. The way each strand of her hair falls on her pretty face. All of her is so pretty, uwu.

I chuckle.

Stop being gay, you will creep her out...

I look at my laptop and...


I look up again because I don't give a fuck. I'm not doing anything wrong... I think.

She looks so concentrated reading. The book has a dark blue cover, but I can't really see the title from here. I kinda wanted to know... she seems so entranced by it. Her... her eyes are shimmering... as if she's trying to hold back her tears now. Why does this image of her hurt making my chest start to get heavy...? She breathes deeply, still with her book in front of her and looks up... her gaze falls on...


Oh-our eyes meet, locking onto each other... I'm sorry my mind went silent with no words back there... is the first time I see those eyes looking back at me... right? But... it-it's so... I feel my body being filled with adrenaline-no, anxiety? Panic? Fear...? I don't know what is it, but it's just... too much...

I quickly look down, back at my laptop.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

For how long was I staring at her? You're an idiot. Maybe she noticed, and you made her feel uncomfortable. Stupid. Arghhh.


After a few minutes, I looked up and she was no longer there. Her seat is now... empty... her... her brown eyes...

I shiver.

I shake my head. Stop acting stupid and read this shit! 


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