[7] Sep 19, 2022 - Monday 11:07 [15]

252 16 0

| University

I'm in class, sitting at one of the back rows, with Rosé. Jennie is sitting a few rows in front of us.

I tried to focus on class... but how to convince my brain that... that was more entertaining...?

'Cause... even though what I'm doing feels wrong... it's driving me crazy how cute she is. Just like a while ago... she... 

I smile automatically, and I think I may have done it too much 'cause it hurts... but... her... trying to hide that she was squirming... with small, slow movements contracting her arms and back...

I chuckle.

Or when the teacher changed a slide, and she didn't have time to write... what? I don't know... I'm not writing anything... but I'm pretty sure she didn't have time to write down something 'cause from here, it was still noticeable her furrowing her eyebrows, the mean gaze she shot the teacher and her deep sigh--

"Lisa?" Rosé snaps her fingers in front of my face, and I jump in my seat.

Rosé chuckles.

"... Did I scare you?" 

"No... what?"

"It's your fault if you're not here..."

"Rosé... what do you want?"

"I want to go to that weekend camp thing that they are organizing because of the uni day."

"Hmm... okay. That seemed cool."

"So, are you thinking of going?"


"Aww, but I don't want to go alone." 

I chuckle.

"You know everyone there."

"But I want to go with you," she says disappointed. No... no... no disappointed face... is Rosé, don't act stupid with her. 

Asgfhsa, I'm going to fight you if you let her down! 

"... Jennie said that she's not going..." Rosé adds, even more disappointed.

"... Apparently, she had already planned a trip for that weekend with her boyfriend."

I nod.

Well... more reasons to go... great.

"... Lisa...?"

"... Lisa...!"

"Okay... I will go." 

She smiles widely.

"You won't regret it!"



The class just ended. Jennie is coming towards us.

"Lisa agreed to go with me. I forgive you now." 

Jennie chuckles.

I can't believe that I said yes to two days... surrounded by people... not being able to be alone... besides the bathroom, I guess... I will... go crazy... even more...

"... Stop with that face, you gonna love it... and..." Rosé smirks.

"... Nayeon even asked me if you're going. Maybe she's going to finally make a move on--"

I look at her with a serious face.

"... Okay, okay."

Jennie just looks at us in silence, with her habitual... I don't have more patience to put up with you guys... face... her usual resting bitch face, if I may add.

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