[8] Sep 20, 2022 - Tuesday 09:59 [16]

254 16 0

| Residence

It's still morning and I'm eating my cereal with my eyes wide open, staring fixedly at the cactus in my window, still processing that I had to wake up.


I look at my phone... and force myself to wake up, this time for real.

[Jennie: Hi :)]

[Lisa: Hi]

[Jennie: You don't miss something?]


I chuckle. It's better to laugh than cry.

[Lisa: You mean the jacket you stole from me?]

[Jennie: I didn't steal it, you almost forced me to wear it!]

[Jennie: And you forgot about it too]

[Lisa: Hmm]

[Lisa: Give it to Rosé tomorrow, then she will give it to me]

[Lisa: You guys have class together tomorrow, right?]

[Jennie: Yes, but do I have to? I really like your jacket]

[Lisa: Yes, mine]

[Lisa: I know where you live don't forget that..]

[Jennie: Come get it then]

I chuckle.

[Lisa: No]

[Jennie: You either come or you will never see your jacket again..]

[Jennie: We can watch something]

[Jennie: I know you don't have classes today]

I breathe deeply... and... ahhh, do I really need to go outside my apartment today... or any day...?

[Jennie: Don't ignore me!]

[Lisa: I'll come after lunch, is that okay? I have to finish some parts of a few projects first]

[Jennie: Okay, I'll be here all day, just knock]


~ Wildfire - Cautious Clay ~ ]


Jennie opens her door. I smile as I see her...

She's not wearing makeup, just a messy bun with a few strands of hair falling on her face and others behind her ears. She's wearing a loose yellow hoodie and white sweatpants... she's even cuter like this.

Ma'am, hand in marriage?

She's staring at me.

"You come or what?"

"Ah-ah, do I really have to?"

She grabs my black sweater with her hand and pulls me inside.

It's like my apartment, with an open space for the kitchen and living room at the end. She's dragging me through it... the difference is that she used the free space between the kitchen counter and the wall at the end with a window... to put a normal dining table and a sofa... and me a sofa and a desk for my laptop... we indeed have different social habits... 

But her living room... is so pretty... a big, fluffy white carpet over the bright brown wood floor, occupying almost all the space, the window at the end covered on both sides by white curtains. On the left, there's a large TV on top of a wooden cabinet, some paintings hanging on the wall. On the right, a black leather sofa against the wall, a shelf filled with books and...

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