[6.2] Sep 17, 2022 - Saturday 00:02 [13]

278 17 2

| Road to Residence

She stops as we walk side by side. 

I look concerned at her.

She drags herself close to the fence of the river and leans against it, resting her head on top of it.

"I can't walk... I can't do this anymore... go, just let me here," she says slowly and dramatically.

I breathe deeply as I rub my temple with my hand, and I walk towards this dramatic girl.

"Okay, goodnight." 

She quickly gets her head up and slaps my arm. I laugh... I can't with her annoyed, cute, tired face...

She falls silent for a few seconds, like she's thinking.

Suddenly she places her arms around my neck, basically hugging me. She looks up, to face me...


"Carry me...?" she gives me those eyes... internally, I'm screaming. I'm starting to think she already knows how much I'm affected by this... the nerve, the audacity. I don't hug her back. I-I just stand still, looking like an idiot with my arms hovering inches away from her body.

She rests her head against my shoulder.

"... Please..." now in a soft tone against my ear. My heart is starting to beat so fast. 

You affect me so much with simple things, fuck, I hate how vulnerable I get. I hate this... I breathe deeply...

"Okay, it's not like I have a choice."

"Yeah, you don't," she smiles, giving me her gummy smile...

I clench my jaw, pull her arms away from my neck, and take a step back. Her smile starts to slowly wane.

"... What are you doing?"

She looks at me and blinks with her sleepy eyes. You have no right to be this cute, just no right...

I lower myself.

"For you to go on my back."

"Ohh... okay," she smiles again, hugs me from behind, and rests her head back on my shoulder.

I start walking, and ah-ya! Finally, we are going to make progress on our way home, and maybe, just maybe, we won't take more than fifteen minutes.

I can feel her smile... 

That happy for not walking anymore, huh?

"... You didn't like to do efforts... or hold my hand... and now you're holding me like this...?" I can feel her soft and tired giggles in a low tone against my ear. I shiver.

What the fuck, ma'am? Stop that. Stop breathing. I-I mean, this close to me.

"Th-that's it, you're walking," I pretend to let her go.

She hugs me tighter because she thinks she's going to fall.

"No, stop... I will shut up, just... don't let me go."

I try to suppress my smile... she's so soft like this.

"I won't."


I chuckle.

"I promise, Jennie."


She fell asleep after just a few minutes... this girl, I-


My eyes are almost closing... arghh, I want my bed so bad... my pillow, ahh-ah, my tired eyes fall on a man. Why is a man at this hour alone in a playground for kids...? I mean, I can think of a lot of reasons... none great... let's walk faster...

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