[9] Sep 21, 2022 - Wednesday 08:28 [17]

214 15 0

I am on the road coming back to the residence.

The sky is so blue, and the sun is so strong that is almost blinding me. The river's waves are so breathtaking with the sun reflecting on them.

I suddenly feel my left hand being grabbed. My eyes look at the other hand with difficulty because of how bright the view is.

I look up and start to follow the bare arm... which belongs to a girl... she is wearing loose light blue jeans... and a white T-shirt... she has a small mole on the lower part of her other arm... the dark strands of her hair falling against her back. My eyes continue to go up... and...


I can't almost see her with the sun, but she's not looking at me. Instead, she is looking ahead of her, at the road.

She notices me looking at her, and she gives me her gummy smile while she calmly swings our hands.

I can feel her fingers intertwine with mine tighter.

Involuntary... I give her a wide smile too.

She's so beautiful...

The sun reflects on her skin, and she closes her eyes to feel the sun on her face.

I'm getting lost in her features and the sun's brightness, almost closing my eyes too.

It feels so warm.

As I watch her, I breathe in and out so slowly...

A thought starts to invade my mind... telling me something... and I feel my brain start to phrase it...

But... how... she can't be my--

*piu-piu, piu-piu*


| Residence


I jump at the sudden sound. With my eyes closed, I stop the alarm on my phone and breathe deeply.

What the fuck...


I hate you, brain...


Of course, she is not... my girlfriend...



I stayed in bed for a few minutes, still processing what happened. It was the first time she was able to reach my subconscious...


It felt so real... her hand... ahh.

I fucking hate my brain.

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