[10] Sep 23, 2022 - Friday 19:10 [19]

224 17 0

| University

I'm in class, in a regular classroom, so... unfortunately, it means this time, I can't just sit here and listen... I'm with Rosé, and arghh, on Fridays, the classes end so late.

"This shit never ends," Rosé says and I chuckle.

"Don't say that so loud. The teacher will hear you."



[Jennie: U have plans for tonight?]

[Lisa: Depends on why you're asking :)]

[Lisa: Jk, I'm a little overwhelmed with projects, so I don't have much time]

[Jennie: We could continue the drama tonight]

[Jennie: Tomorrow we don't have to wake up early]

I breathe deeply not knowing what to say.

I don't want to overstep more than I already did.

[Lisa: Sorry, I need tonight to finish a project, and the submission is already this sunday at midnight]

I have a project to submit, so that's not a lie, but if it's basically done..? Yes...

[Jennie: You can work hard tomorrow, I will help u]

Don't be this nice to me, Jennie...

[Lisa: Tomorrow, I already planned to work on a project that we have weekly submissions for]

Not a lie either, tho.

[Jennie: All day? Isn't that the project with Nayeon?]

[Lisa: Yeah]

[Jennie: Just reschedule it for another day then]

I chuckle at her stupid answer.

"... Who's making you smile like that?" Rosé asks.

I roll my eyes.

"... Let me see," she moves closer to me and I quickly lock my phone.

It would be the end of my sanity if she discovers how I feel for Jennie.

"... Tell me!"

"Is nothing."

"Hmm," she almost closes her eyes as she looks at me.

"... If there's someone you like, I want to know... I have to approve it first!"

I chuckle and nod okay.


[Jennie: Forget it, I won't bother you anymore]

I clench my jaw.

[Lisa: You aren't Jennie]

[Jennie: Sure, don't worry]

I breathe out frustrated 'cause... I think we just hurt her... but I don't know what to say either... argh, I hate texting people.

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