Chapter 3: Nightmares

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~The Next Day~
-Narrators POV-

The next day in the treehouse about 6am, Terra climbed in the house with eggs and tofu she had picked up from a nearby farm for breakfast. She set the two plates on the table still hot and fresh. Terra turned on the TV Cyborg had fixed up with Robin yesterday. How kind of them to updragde this place a bit. She lowed down the volume as she ate 2 sunny side up eggs.

A few minutes later, Raven awakens from her sleep and smells the scent of eggs and tofu. She quickly sat up, yawned, and stretched. She saw Terra enjoying her meal while watching tv. She stood up and climbed down the ladder with toothpaste to go brush her teeth. Terra noticed her leaving with the toothpaste and greeted her, " Good morning Raven. "
Raven replied, " morning " and carried on down the ladder.
Outside the shade of the treehouse, Raven squirted minty toothpaste on her index finger and brushed her teeth, it was unusual but better than having nasty morning breath. She quickly searched for water to rinse her mouth so she ran to a little pond nearby. She spat on the grass and cupped her hands to gurgle and spit.

Raven returned back into the treehouse and saw Cyborg talking go someone on the phone and others enjoying breakfast. Raven took a plate and offered herself a few eggs.

" Where did you get the food, Terra?" Asked Robin with a mouthful.
" There's a nearby farm here and he offers me free food. He gives me cheese, bread, milk, eggs, all sorts provided by his animals. " replied Terra, feeling graceful and thankful.

When Raven was finished with her breakfast, she pulled up here hoodie and climbed down the treehouse.
" where you going, Rae?" Asked Beast boy feeling curious.
" taking a walk, at the park or whatever," replied Raven.
" I, too, would like to join you with this 'walk'!" Starfire headed before Raven as the two walked together at the park.

-Starfires POV-

I thought it would be the nice to spend time with my friend Raven, for she is an introvert and we do not do much of the bonding. I just wanted to maybe
' catch the up' with things.
As we did the strolling, it was quiet for a few moments until I finally did the speaking, " so, friend Raven, why come here?"
" Just wanted to have my me time, but you're here so, " replied Raven.
I felt I have disturbed her presence and quickly felt the upset.
" I am the sorry, friend Raven. I thought it was good to have this bond with you since we do not spend much of the quality time together, " I said with my head down.
" hey, its okay Starfire. I just needed sometime to think," said Raven.
" think? Think about what?" I asked.
" well, actually, to clear things up a bit," clarified Raven.
" is something the wrong?" I asked.
" no... I'm fine, " said Raven, bit she did sound unsure.

As we walked, it grew the silent until Raven sat the Indian Style in the shade of a tree. I enjoyed her.
" What are we doing?" I asked cluelessly.
" we are relaxing," she took deep breaths and sounded the calm.
I, too, did the relaxing. And glorious, indeed it felt the good.

-Ravens POV-

You know, I actually kind of like hanging with Starfire. Shes pretty weird at times, but also pretty cool. I think she learned something new from me today and it made me a little happy.

It did feel good to hear the sounds of nature just surround me, that fresh wind and the scent of flowers blow gently on my face, and every time I breathed in it felt like a dream. I hope Starfire felt the same, too. You never get this feeling when you live with three disgusting men with you always loud and annoying.

But then, my thoughts got deeper. And I was sucked into my mind. I saw my emotions scattered everywhere and every one of them has the incorrect emotion. Happy was still raging, timid was being brave, it was just a mess. I turned my back, and saw Azarath! My birthplace. It was there! I immediately ran to it leaving my mixed emotions behind. Azarath was beautiful, but was suddenly interrupted by Trigon... He raised his head and smashed his fists against the tall buildings. My eyes grew wide so I flew as fast as I can to Trigon while I scream " STOP "
Trigon eventually stopped and looked me in the eyes, he gave me that devil glare. And said,
" three days " and he disappeared. I looked down and saw Azarath had also disappeared. I felt furious and lost control and used my powers against Trigon, but it deflected and hit me instead, causing myself to fall.

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