Chapter 9: The Tears I've Cried

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-Ravens POV-

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces as I begin to tear up. I sneak back inside my room and curl up in a corner and sob. That memory of Beast boy and Terra kissing made me feel worst about myself.

I eventually stopped my crying and decided to travel back into my mind for some advice.

I meditated once again on my bed, concentrating to travel into my mind. I needed the help, I needed the advice.

When I arrived standing in my mind, all my mixes personalities were again, going overboard.

" guys... I saw him. I couldn't do it, Terra and Beast boy kissed right in front of me... And it hurts, " I said sniffing.

" oh no honey... It's okay, honey dont cry, " Intelligence cheered me up with her kind loving words.

" THIS IS EXACTLY THE REASON WHY I HATE MEN, " Happy sliced an intruder in my minds' head off.

Lazy kicked the intruders body to finish him off, " ILL KICK HIS LITTLE GREEN A-"

I interuppted her from saying a curse word, and said, " no. You know what guys, this is ridiculous. I'm crying over something that shouldn't even be happening in the first place. Forget about it, I just realized how stupid I am to think about... BLEH. "

I returned back in my bedroom. I decided to get some rest, but I know I still had my feelings still hiding in me. I wanted to burst with emotion, but realized it was too late.

~The Next Morning ~
-Beast Boys POV-

I woke up from sleeping on the couch last night with Terra. She was still sleeping peacefully on my chest. I gently settles her head on a pillow and quietly made myself breakfast.

As I was in the middle of eating my cereal, I heard a soft yawning coming from Terra. She stretched her arms and sat up. She turned to face me and smiled. A tired smile. I smiled back and made her some cereal to eat.

She shuffled her feet to the table, took a seat, and silently ate her cereal.

It was silent for a few moments, until Robin came in.
" good morning guys, " Robin said quite cheerfully.

He walked to the kitchen to prepare eggs. He cracked two eggs and fried both of them on a pan until it was cooked.

Eventually, the others awoke within minutes, but Raven remained in her room.

I was about to proudly announce to everyone Terra and I were officially dating. But I decided to wait for Raven so she won't miss out on the news.

It was now 12:00, and Raven still had not come out of her room.

After lunch, I had the nerve to knock on Ravens door to check on her. Within seconds after the knock, a loud thud was heard against the door. I could hear Ravens voice the other side of the door, slightly fainted, " go away! "

Fine, whatever, I thought to myself. If she wants to continue to be a snob, then being a snob she shall. I dont need her anyways, I thought to myself.

I walked to the combat practice room to practice my moves.
I flight with a punching bag for about an hour, ran on a treadmill for 30 minutes in our gym, and lifted some weights.

Something got into me and inspired myself to workout, since I haven't done it in a long time.

As I walked out of the gym wiping my face with a towel, I looked up and saw Raven finally coming out her room. I was kind of relieved she was okay and not in some kind of crazy situation that had to deal with demons and such, but I saw her make her way to the kitchen.

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