Chapter 10: Return Of The Beast

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~The Next Morning ~
-Ravens POV-

I woke up. My eyes slowly opened when I felt someone petting me. I felt his rough fingers go through my strands of hair.

His gentle yet evil voice said, " sh, its okay Raven, " as he continued his fingers through my hair.

My heart was beating fast and I sat up to see Malchior stare at me back. I crawled back away from him, but he stood up and walked in front of me with his cruel eyes still looking at me.

" why.. How are you here?" I asked him with fear.

" the curses I taught you, a while back when we were an item, they didn't last very long," he sneered.

" we were NEVER an item, " I said furiously as I blasted Malchior with my dark magic.

He got back up and started yelling out curses and spells I never knew about. I bright light shone on my face, and I suddenly became weak. I tried to load more dark magic, but it faded on my hands. I groaned, " what did you do to me?"

" I weakened your powers," Melchior said with an evil grin.
He walked to me and punched me making me lose unconscious.

After he had knocked me out, I was brought back into my mind. All my personalities still had that light glow around them, still large giants losing control.

" Raven, you're losing it, " Passion said to me.

" I know! My mind is going to blow up in a matter of time and my powers are weakened by Melchior, " I said frightened.

" I'm sorry Raven, but you have until tomorrow to finish your confessions. It's hard to do that now you have ran away from the other titans, " Passion explained.

" there's no use anymore. I'm sorry, but maybe ending my life is the best thing. The titans will be more successful without me, I can stop stressing over my powers and keeping control, I can just simply let things go, " I said trying to sound happy, but failed.

" you can't give up now. All of your friends care about you, Beast boy DOES need you, Terra is irrelevant, and there is still hope for you, Raven, " Passion said being hopeful.

" BEAST BOY CAN DIE IN A HOLE IF HES GOING TO TREAT YOU LIKE THAT, AND TERRA... DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT IRRELEVANT PIECE OF CRAP, " Happy raged as she let out a loud scream of irritation. She swung a table around as Rage skipped around.... Then the table fell on top of Rage.

" okay that's enough, " I said firmly, " look, I'm going to go back and at least try to defeat Melchior once more, " I sighed.

I awoke to find myself hanging on the wall, large metal straps placed my hands on the wall and same with my legs. I tried to break free using my powers but failed, forgetting I had weakened.

Malchior appeared from the darkness and laughed evilly. I struggled in those metal straps.

" WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME, " I shouted at Malchior.

" I need you, " he replied back.

" for what, " I sounded cruel.

" I need your magic. I need it to bring me into a real human again. I will not be stuck in these pages forever, " he explained with a slight grin on his face.

" no... Never, " I grunted.

" too late, I have most of your magic in that machine. It will take until midnight for it to combine with my powers, but when it does, I'll turn to a human and finish you and YOUR friends, " he laughed.
~The Titans Tower~
-Narrators POV-

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