Starting points.

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The whispers.
That constant ringing in my ears of all the pain and destruction that has ever happened.
It never ceased, and if I listened closely I could hear each individual scream begging for mercy. Grasping onto that small chance of hope, hope that they may survive.

They never did.

I lick my lips and close my eyes as I breathe in the smell of my herbal tea. It's 5 am, and I'm currently in the kitchen. My nightmares are becoming worse and I need fresh air out of my stuffy room in hopes that I would forget about them.

Suddenly, the sound of the doors opening into the kitchen made my eyes shoot wide open to see Robin walk in.

He was in his uniform, where as I was still in my pajamas, however his hair was freshly washed and fell over his eyes.

" You suit it" I mumble. He looks at me, raising an eyebrow. " Your hair like that, I mean".

He nods and grabs some corn flakes before sitting down at the table and eating them dry.

I take my tea, careful not to burn myself, and sit down beside him.

We sit in silence, it was awkward and I wanted to leave desperately. However I know what it feels like to be alone, to not feel like you belong.

He arrived a week ago and nobody has made any progress on getting him to trust us.

"No milk?" I ask with a forced smile, trying to crack a joke.

He looks up from his cereal, his cold eyes boring into mine.

"Tt, Lactose intolerant, and I like the crunch". He says before looking down at his cereal and continuing to munch on it, acting as if we hadnt just spoken.

I nod and take a sip of my drink, tension thick in the air.

" Kory suggested last night that she might take us shopping today. That way you can buy things to decorate your room".

" It doesn't need decorating, i already have all my weapons" he looks pointedly at me.

" Don't you want... nicer bedding?" I ask and mentally slap my self in the face.

But to my surprise I see him smirk before abruptly standing up and walking away to place his bowl in the sink. He was about to leave the room before he says " some new bedding would be nice, I'm not a massive fan of the colour brown".

He walks out and I'm left starstruck. Did he make a joke? Or some attempt at a joke?

Either way, I found out three things about Damien Wayne (aka the new robin):

1) he is very reserved and didn't like small talk.
2) he is lactose intolerant and eats his cereal dry.
3) he isn't a fan of the colour brown.

Well, we've got to start somewhere...

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