cannot be forgotten

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A few days passed, I haven't told anybody what or who I encountered. Trigon has been quiet as well, but I know he's still around. I can feel it. Ever since visiting him my powers have been feeling stronger, and they've only been increasing since. Which means he's breaking through, making me feel more trapped in return.

The crime alarm goes off and I magic up a portal to the living room. Nobody else was here and I waited patiently for dick or Starfire to show up.

A few seconds passed and Damien runs in, slightly out of breath.

"You're okay" He runs to me and grabs my arm, twisting it.

"Damien? Are you okay?" I ask, startled by his abruptness.

" The others... they're gone. The trackers I've placed on you guys aren't working". He says as he scans my arm and frowns.

" excuse me but what trackers?" He rolled his eyes.

" tsk the ones I injected into you guys on my first day. But we're getting off topic, we need to find the others".

He did what? After we've found the others I'm gonna strangle him to death with my dark magic.

" we'll find them, when and where did their trackers go off. Is mine disabled?"

" Someone must have accessed the database in the tower, I pulled the alarm hoping everyone was here just in case but only you showed up. Something tells me whoever done this is in the building right now, surveillance is on a loop, but I doubt they would pick a fight with us two."

"You're crazy dami- Robin, if they've captured Starfire and nightwing then I'm sure you're underestimating them". They probably know our secret identity as well, but I make a mental note to not encourage those events.

"Perhaps, let's check the bedrooms. Keep close" he instructs and starts to slowly proceed out the living room, his katana at the ready.

I feel my pulse throb in my veins as my heartrate accelerates. The silence was deafening as Damien makes no sound as he heads down the corridor and I levitate.

Being an trained assassin must have its perks. After all, how could someone with such a strong, large build such as Damien, be as calm and agile as a feather?

I ponder on this until my trace of thoughts leads me to his muscles, how his biceps and six pack fill his suit well, the dimensions were prominent as he flexed. I'm grateful for the dark lighting, for im sure my face is tinged rose.

Now looking at him for the first time  without him paying attention to me but rather anything and everything else for once. I noticed how chisled his jaw is, like it's been carved into an ancient statue of a god. His emerald eyes flickering in the lights as we pass, hues and hints of gold reflecting his surroundings. His hair was full and blackening, probably like his mood, but yet still looks silky soft. The impulsive thought to reach out and play with it occurs to me, and I burrow it down deep. Yet his lips, they looked faintly pink and soft, I wonder what it would be like to kiss them?


Bad Rachel! This is Damien we're talking about, the most obnoxious self centered prick on earth and every other planet in every other dimension. So what if he's 'good-looking'? He's still a ponce!

"Wait" he whisper so faintly I Almost didn't catch it.

We've stopped outside dick and korys room, and I hear a faint sound of rustling. He nods and I return the gesture, and he kicks in the door.

Wow he's strong...

There stood a man tall in structure dressed in an orange and black suit. His face was covered, 1 beady eye looking at us. He also masters a katana, similar to Damien, however it doesn't look as massive in comparison when it's by his hip ready to strike

" Deathstroke" my eye brow unwillingly shoots a questioning glance at Damien.

" Ah, young Aghul" he says, as if unimpressed. " What a waste you've become. To be frolicking round with men in underwear and girls who enjoy being a vampire"

Ouch, low burn.

"Deathstroke, still jealous I see? How even old are you grandpa, 80? Surprised you could still fit in a that knock off Deadpool onesie"

" I'll show you what an 80 year old can do, boy" I shudder at how menacing his voice was.

They run towards each other, and an epic battle happening before my eyes. The sound of their katanas clashing at lightening speeds, their movements as agile but furious with every precise move calculated. I was hard to tell who was winning, but I hoped it was Damien.

But then, I hear him yell. Deathstroke managed to slide the front of his chest, blood started to soak through his uniform but Damien continues to fight almost unfazed.

Everything starts to spin.

I suddenly start to panic, an overwhelming feeling washes over me. I heard his voice, laughing at me, mocking me for being useless. I want to cry.

I'm too focused on trying to control my feelings that I don't notice my veins corse with poison as black shadows slide along the floor, reaching Deathstroke leg.

He doesn't notice either, as it slithers up his body. Damien hesitates for a moment as he watches it wrap itself around Deathstroke. This enabled Deathstroke with the perfect opportunity to attack, sliding Damien's face slightly above his eyebrow as Damien quickly moved out the way.

All the anger I felt towards this man, towards myself, towards my father seem to pulse inside me. But then, I let them go.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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