medical attention

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I wake up to a bright light, blinding me so suddenly that I have to blink several times to adjust to the brightness.

I groan, my body feeling drained.

"Raven?" Beast boy yells next to me and I flinch.

"Yes? ... Where am I?"

" Just the medical room, you need to rest. You shouldn't have used your power so.."

" Aggressively" I hint, and I see him frown.

" No, not at all. You saved us raven, but you could have hurt yourself". He takes my hand in his, and I smile at him reassuringly.


We both glance at the door, and Damien is found stood leaning against the door frame. His hair was wet from a shower, his shirt is clinging to his abs, water marks making his red shirt darker.

He looked like he was trying to appear casual, but I could tell something's wrong with how rigid he is.

" I-i'll go, I should tell the others you've woken up, bye raerae". Beast boy mumbles and I nod as I acknowledge what he said. His hand leaves mine and it suddenly feels cold.

Damien glares at him and beastboy practically runs past him.

" You're awake" he states, and I look down at my fingers. I could feel my face heat up, and an awkward silence falls upon us.

" Thank you" he says, and I stare at him in surprise.

" I-i didn't exactly handle the situation well. I could have killed him, or worse, you guys. I lost control. Plus I should be thanking you guys, I don't really remember much of what had happened".

" beast boys' not wrong, You saved us, but I think your powers became too overwhelming. How are you feeling, honestly? You don't need to pretend around me". I blush as he sits down in the chair next to my bed

"honestly?" He nods " tired, so tired but also angry. My powers, they've been starting to get out of hand. I'm trying so hard to keep them in, but all I want to do is to let it out. Funny, how I let go for one second and that tiny second causes mass destruction". He nods, and I regret everything I told him

' I understand what you're going through- well to a certain extent. Raven when I left my grandfather, I rebelled against everyone and I still do. I just never felt like I belonged because I have a past that nobody would accept. I want you to understand that I'm here for you and always will be"

Damien had just opened up to me. This warm feeling washed over me to see this small crack of him. This was new territory for the both of us, but it felt comfortable and home like.

" Thank you, and I'm here for you too, Damien". I smile at him, until I suddenly yawn

" Tired, huh? You're probably best getting some more sleep. I'll be in my room when you wake up". I want to protest, and it surprises me. I watch him leave, and I suddenly feel content

I have Damien, and he has me.

I close my eyes, and let my self replay the last couple of moments in my mind. Damien opened up to me, and was nice.

" Raven!" Starfire shouts and I jump up. " Oh, sorry dear friend raven. Beast boy said you had woken up". I shake my head and smile

" I was just closing my eyes, you didn't wake me up". She nods and flys over to me.

" Raven, I just saw damien walk out of here. Did he want anything?". I blush, and I think she could tell.

" N-no, just wanted to check up on me'

" Strange, but I suppose you two have been getting closer recently".

" WHAT!" I yell and star laughs.

" It's quite obvious friend raven. For when you passed out he jumped to save you and carried you all the way back. He refused to let someone else take you or too leave. We had to kick him out to go shower".

So that's why he had wet hair. It takes me a moment to process this new information. All this time I thought he hated me, but maybe quite the opposite infact.

Maybe we can be friends.

" I'm glad it was him". Star leaves after telling me what has happened with doctor light after I passed out.

I close my eyes and I think about Damien, his name was so cold and alone. It reminded me of hell, of darkness. Maybe a similar darkness to what's inside me.

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