quality time.

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I'm currently sitting in my uniform, meditating on the rug in our living room. Beast boy is playing with his consoles, yelling random phrases every now and then. Jaime is sat beside him, munching on a plateful of cookies.

Kory and dick are sat cuddling one another on the other side of the couch, each reading a book polar opposite to the other.

Damien is leaning against the wall, inspecting his blades.

Kory had made it a rule that everyone has to spend an hour here together, in hopes to make Damien more comfortable around us. A team bonding exercise as she put it.

Unfortunately, I think it having the opposite effect. He looks more agitated, angrier than usual. Like he's stuck with nowhere else to go.

I pity him.

As if he could read my mind, he stops and looks at me. I blush at being caught but I don't look away.

Instead I search deeper, desperate to find something about him. Until I did, beneath that stone cold look was the most beautiful shade of green.

His eyes are stunning, just looking at them makes my heart race. But they look lonely, and demanding a life he could never have.

He suddenly scowls, and I realize we've been staring at each other for a while now. I glance down at my hands, fumbling them together, biting my lip.

Cursing myself for letting myself be so selfish, I've probably scared him off now.

But on the contrary, I feel something next to me and see him sitting there. Hes gazing at the tv, analyzing it, and I let myself smile before closing my eyes and resume meditating.

He hates you. Everyone does.

The voice whispers in the back of my mind, louder than before. I gasp and open my eyes, trying to steady my breathing and slow my heart rate.

" Raven?" Kory asks, everyone stared at me conceringly. I notice the vase that once held the roses in had shattered.

I jump up at the sight, desperate to take back the previous moment.

"I-im so sorry Kory, I swear I didn't mean to".

I glance down at Damien, he's scowling at me from a further distance than he was before.

" It's fine raven, we all make mistakes. Garfield and Jaime, please clean this mess up. I'll take raven up to her room so she can rest". Everyone nods, and I notice dick and Damien leave together. Kory turns me around and directs me to my room.

I glance over my shoulder and spot Damien glaring at me, and I quickly face away.

The voice was right, he does hate me. Maybe everyone else does too.

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