dates and deception

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"hey raerae?" Beast boy says in the training room.

" Yeah?"

" Do you like Damien?" He asks, and I blush. Why would he think that, him and I are just friends.

" N-no. Damien is a friend, I think. I'm not sure, we haven't verbally addressed that we are friends". He nods.

" So, are we friends?" He asks, watching me carefully. I nod and give him half a smile. " Do you... Well like anyone in general?"

I laugh.

" What's with all these questions, gar? I mean no, not really. I've never really thought of anyone in that kind of manner". He laughs awkwardly, scratching his neck nervously. I sigh "what do you really want to ask me, gar?"

" I-i well, we're good friends but recently I've discovered something. I know you said you don't like anyone currently, but could you maybe see someone in that type of light. Maybe someone like... Me".

I blink, surprised. Was he asking me if I would date him or if I could possibly gain feelings for him. I'm so confused.

" Oh- beast boy, I mean I suppos-" I get cut off by beast boy.

" FORGET I SAID ANYTHING, it was stupid to think someone as amazing as you would possibly want to date me" he turns around to leave, but I find my self grabbing his wrist to stop him.

" Wait, you didn't let me finish. How about one date, give it a try. If anything happens, it happens and if it doesn't, it doesn't." I say, and gar beams with happiness. He turns into a bird, flying around, yelling in excitement and I can't help but giggle.

He says bye and flys out, probably to tell Jaime.

Suddenly, I stop laughing and a sinking feeling in my stomach arrives. I feel terrible in a way, Im not sure I will like beast boy in that way.

I don't find him attractive in that way, I feel like hes more a little brother.

I won't lie, he is good looking and has on several occasions made me blush.So perhaps my feelings may change.I just hope my suggestion of a date to see where our feelings lay will work out.

I make my way out the gym and head back to my room to get a quick shower. I'm sweaty from my cardio, but in an energetic mood so I walk to my room rather than transporting or flying.

Of course I had to bump into the guy that hates me most in the tower whilst I'm sweaty. " Sorr-" I mummble out, stopping myself from tripping backwards.

" Watch where you're going" I roll my eyes and continue walking. Ignoring him.

"You're in a good mood". He points it out, like he's curious. I fight the urge to roll my eyes again.

I enter my room, my door shutting behind me.

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