jump city

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The crime alert goes off, and I immediately form a portal from my bedroom into the living room. I fly through and stand besides beast boy and dick as Kory fills us in.

" There's a new villain in jump city, he's currently robbing a bank. Witnesses say he can control light or something. I'm not completely sure, but we're better getting there quickly. Rachel, if you will do the honors and everyone remember to be safe". She instructs and I form a portal just outside of the bank.

Once everyone's through I close it and prepare myself for battle.

I spot him, he's in a funny costume, black with white accents and a massive lightbulb showcasing on his chest.

But something doesn't feel right. He had Photokinesis, but he was using it more like a super power than anything else.

I know I should be helping the team but instead I watch his movements, the way he's able to control his power with a simple flick of the wrist.

His powers looked so similar to mine, but yet so different.

Damien attacks first, swinging his sword precisely but furiously. The sad little man shoots his beams of light and robin gets thrown back, and passes out at some point.

Kory and dick, angered by seeing their team mate hurt, run towards him. Starfire uses her powers, while dick starts throwing punches, but both of them fail as they get knocked back by the beams.

Beast boy shape shifts into a wolf and runs towards him. " You're going to pay for that, light bulb!".

" The name is doctor light, and I think you're in need of a check up. What good is an animal when it's blind" he yells, and blinds beast boy with his lights.

I look around for Jaime, but he's fighting with the bug. Something tells me it doesn't like the light and is trying to fight for control. Unfortunately, it wins.

Blue beetle races towards doctor light, his extra arms ready to break every bone in the doctors body.

But the light was to bright, and the power of the beams shooting him back and constantly fire at him until Jaime and the bug were too weak to move.

Realization hits me, and I know what I need to do.

"Now if nobody minds" he declares, not spotting me in the darkness
" I'm going to finish robbing this bank and be on my way".

" I mind" I say, and he turns around to face me. He smirks, as if he has his very own inside joke.

I run towards him, ready to throw a punch, my powers giving me strength. I make a mental note not to do what the team mates did, and watch his hand movements before anything else.

He doesn't take this well, and uses his power against me. It makes me lose my balance slightly, but I can feel my powers resisting it, protecting me.

He frowns.

"Azarath met-" he catches me off guard and throws me against a car. It's alarm goes off, and I feel blood trickle down the back of my head.

I gently place my hand on the wound, carefully not to press down too hard and heal my self.

" You might want to find shorter magic words" he jokes, and gets ready to finish me off with another beam.

But I take this opportunity and control a motorbike to start the engine and drive towards him.

Using this prepared light ball to save himself and blow the motor bike up, he uses his power up and looks exhausted. I stand up.

He once again faces me, and I can feel my heart racing and the adrenaline start to kick in. But I also feel something else

A darkness, thirsting for blood and destruction. I close my eyes, trying to calm the whispers in my head

The doctor takes this chance and plays with the light in his hand before blasting it at me.

I get shot back, and hit the ground hard.

The darkness, its taking control.

" Don't come any closer" I mean to say it with urgency but my voice sounds malice.

He laughs "what? Afraid of the light?".

I snap.

I let the darkness flood my brain out of any common sense and fill it with anger. My hands tingle with power and sensation, the urge to use it is so power-full that I give in.

My eyes turn blood red, while the veins around my eyes turn black. Snaking over my face like poison in my blood stream.

A black cloud surrounds me, it's filled with horrors and pain. I smile wholeheartedly at the sight.

" You really think that magic trick will scare me?" I snap my attention to the doctor and grin.

I command my darkness to bring him to me, and the cloud produces dark, almost ghost like tenticles that grab him around his neck.

I fly towards him, the closer I get, the tighter my grip does.

He clutches onto the shadows, gaspsing dying breaths.

I suddenly feel bored, as the sight doesn't fulfill my desires.

So I let my cloud of darkness trap him, alone and isolated.

The pure horrors could hide him from view, but his screams couldn't be silenced. Nor did I want them too.

"Raven!" I merely glance at Damien, everyone else is still knocked out. " It's okay, I'm here. You're not alone".

I'm not alone?

I snap out of my trance, my powers disappearing and leaving a whimpering, as cold as death doctor.

He was muttering inaudible sounds, tears briming in his eyes as his teeth shatter

He was too in shock to notice us standing above him as he rocks back and forth.

"D-damien? I- I swear I didnt mean to". He nods and walks towards me, arms open.

I gladly accept his hug, the top of my head only reached under his chin, so I could hear his heart beat.

It was beating quickly, too quickly for it to be fake. And I smile until I feel myself become lightweight and fall in his arms.

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