Looking back at me.

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I'm pacing back and forth in my room, trying to think of anything but the words I heard earlier.

He hates you. Everyone does.

They continue to echo in my mind, following me around every corner and stalk me at each bend.

Kory had left to make me some tea to help calm me down. Tea has always helped me, but right now I'm not so sure it will do the trick.

I also couldn't stop thinking of the way Damien glared at me. He had moved further away from me and scowled menacingly.

I can feel my pace quicken, my breathing quicken, my heart rate quicken.


I halt, and turn to face my vanity. The large oak wooden mirror frames the picture of my room and myself truefully. It revealed my deepest darkest secrets, allowing them to haunt me at the dead of night.

I slowly walk towards it, and notice my pupils turn from Violet to black, until my whole eye had become infected and black. My skin had become slightly redder as if I had been burnt by the harsh sun.

What is happening to me?

I reach out to touch the mirror, to see if it was real. To see if this was a dream, until I'm being interrupted by a knock at my door.

I jump at the sound, and quickly glance at the door before looking back at the mirror again. My eyes had returned to normal, and my skin had gone back to it ashen colour.

I sigh, and walk over to the door. I press the button and it opens.

"Hey star, thanks for-" I blink serveral times. Maybe something is wrong with my vision? "Damien?"

" Your tea" he holds it out for me to take, and I cautiously do.

"Thank you? But I thought Kory was bringing it". I walk over to my bedside, and place the tea down before taking a sip.

I love the feeling of the tea burning at the back of my throat. It reminds me if home.

" The crime alarm went off, I'm surprised you didn't hear it". He says, curiously looking around my room. I smile at him when he faces away.

" Sorry, I was just thinking about something, I haven't been very present. How come you're not with them". I ask, genuinely curious.

" I offered to take it up to you, I know Kory would have stayed behind even if she wanted to try out that new move. My muscles are sore from last night's fight against controlfreak anyways. It's a win win situation". He looked at me, and I remember I should invite him into my room.

" You can come in" I say, and pat the spot on my bed next to me.

He looks hesitant, like he's considering things deeply. Eventually he makes up his mind and walks in and sits beside me.

"Thank you" I whisper when he's sat down.

He hates you. Everyone does.

For a minute I forgot the voice in my head. It startles me, but at least I don't break anything this time.

Damien seems to notice my startle though.

" What's wrong? Are you okay? What happened earlier? Tt- you can't just go around breaking vases". He lectures and I roll my eyes and snicker. He's kind of cute when he's concerned.

" I'm fine, jeez. Loosen up robin" I playful shove him in the arm, and he immediately tenses up.

I regret my actions instantaneously, wishing I could undo them. He looks uncomfortable now, and suddenly stands up and faces me.

"TT- I don't need to loosen up, you need to be more aware of your actions. You're missing a fight, one that could crucially need your presence. I understand you need rest, but I'm going to go join the team. They won't survive without my help". And with that he walks away.

I bite my lip, considering what he said and curse my self for touching him. Our conversation was going so well until that.

Either way I will make it right, because now I'm determined to become his friend.

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