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I got up out of bed and stretched my back and other limbs, hearing a satisfying crack with each pull and tug.

I glanced at the clock to see it's 11 o'clock and as comfortable as the bed is here, my own bed has solitude and sanctuary that this place could never have.

I test my powers, finding them in good shape and form, creating a portal to my bedroom.

It was the same mess as I had left it, and i sigh in relief that beast boy hasn't taken this opportunity to snoop.

I walk over to my wardrobe, pulling out the comfiest pajamas I own, and put them on. Glad to be out my sweaty joggers and shirt, I hum whilst changing.

Once I was in my PJs, I walk out my room and head down the corridor.

I come up to Damien's room, and slow my pace until I come to a stop right Infront of it.

Sighing, and knowing I would regret this later on, I knock on his door. I only have to wait a few seconds until it swings open to reveal Damien.

I give a small lopsided smile, which recieves only a hard glare. I feel my heart beat quicken, and I frown slightly.

Back to being cold with me.

" Sorry, I just wanted to say thank you for taking me back to the tower and taking care of me. You didn't have to".

" Tt- You would be mistaken if you thought I would leave the titans most valuable member, after myself, in the hands of those morons".

I nod, and press my lips into a thin line before turning away and hurriedly walking off to the kitchen.

I hear his door shut behind me but I don't dare look back, but my pace slows, and my stomach growls in protest.

I thought I had reached him, and we were comfortable around one another.

"Raven!" I hear his voice behind me. I quickly turn around and face him, surprised to see him behind me and not in his room. *Coughs* " don't expect me to give you any leeway since your fully healed, our one on one training starts again tomorrow morning. Unless you have any objections?"

I shake my head, finding my voice incable of working. We walk together into the kitchen, my heart beat racing with every stride we take in synchrony.

I find Starfire, beastboy and knightwing already there. Starfire raises her eyebrow at the two of us together, but the pleas in my eyes silence her from saying anything on the matter.

The smell of rich steak and fryed chips engulfs me, and I lick my lips. I notice Kory cooking beast boys tofu beside ours, the amount surprises me. Beast boy eats alot, but two servings after the amount of chocolate he's had today seems strange.

"Friend Rachel and Damien, please sit down beside Jaime and Garfield". I nod and place myself next to beast boy, Damien sitting opposite me and next to Jaime.

" Where's dick?" I ask out loud. Everyone excluding Damien turns to face Kory, curious on what her response will be.

" Back in Gotham" Damien and Kory both say at the same time. Damien looks indifferent, inspecting the sharpness of a batarang. Kory smiles, and serves up the food.

My stomach growls as it's placed in front of me, but I polietly wait for Kory to be sat and finish serving up.

Finally, she takes her seat and I dive in. Involuntary letting out a little moan whilst savouring the taste on my tongue.

" Kory, this is delicious. I can't believe I'm saying this but those couple cooking lessons must be working!" Jiame says, and I hum in agreement, shoving my face with chips, salad and steak.

"Oh, most wonderous of news, tomorrow I shall make my home planets gruchew in celebration".

Nobody responds, but I know I won't be the only one to send dick a quick SOS to come back and stop Kory from cooking it.

I finish my plate, full and content. Beast boy and Jaime had finished and were playing on their phones despite korys protests. I look at Damien, and notice him taking his time with his food. I make a puzzled look when I notice his steak didn't look right, but look more like beast boys tofu.

" Beast boy, did you eat Damien's steak? He's got tofu" I yell suddenly.

Beast boy gives me a panic look, before glancing at Damien's plate.

"He's got my food! I'm going to die!". Kory gives him a sympathetic smile, but before she could speak Damien cuts her off. Again.

" Tt- I'm vegetarian, we both had the same meal. You will not die... unfortunately". Beast boy sticks his tongue at Damien when Damien's not looking and I giggle.

Hearing me giggle his eyes shoot up to look at me, and once again I'm entranced by his eyes.

He had a bit of sauce on his lips, and I had the urge to wipe it off with my finger.

I gulp, and quickly look away and focus on Kory. She stood up and was behind the counter putting plates away.

" Kory" I say " let me help you, beast boy can you pass yours and Jaime's plate please".

Beast boy nods, and our fingers brush together when he passes them over.

I notice his face go red, and I too blush at the contact.


Damien's fork had fell out his hand and into the plate, making me jump.

He looked angry.

" I'm finished" he announces, standing up and place his plate ontop of the pile I had in my hands. He storms out the room, and I scowl at him.

What's got his panties in a bunch?

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