One on one training

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That night I didn't sleep very well, one on one with Damien? The thought is enough to make me want to barf.

Plus, how is he going to help me control my powers? I ask myself this as I head to the training room.

He told me to meet up at this time, and it's unusual for him to be late so I left slightly early so I could beat him

To my dismay I see him already fighting the holograms, he looks bored and is killing them with ease. I notice him glancing at the clock every few seconds, and guess he's seeing if I'll be on time.

I take a deep breath before knocking on the door to make my presence known.

His eyes shoot over to me, but his moves remain robotic as he slices the holograms in half. His eyes stare into mine and I suddenly have this weird feeling. It was feeling I had never experienced before, and i assume it was due to how beautiful his eyes were.

With the final last swing of his sword, he kills the last hologram and ends the simulation.

"At least you're more competent at being on time than beastboy" he states, and i snort.

" Ya think? I've never seen him early to anything apart from the opening of the comic book store. But I wouldn't change him in anyway or shape or form". I grin.

I take my purple hoodie off so I'm just in my sports bra and shorts.

" So, what's on the agenda? I mean thank you for trying to help me but I don't think I can be helped". I look at him and notice him swallow and realize maybe my attire isn't too appropriate. But then again, it's what's comfiest .

" I've been studying you, your power is controlled by you're emotions. For example you were angry yesterday, so you caused destruction. Or the other day in the living room, you jumped out of fear and made the vase shatter. So you need to keep your emotions in check".

As much as I didn't like the fact he's been 'studying me', he does have a point.

" Great observation, but I already knew this". I point out and sit on the ground, stretching my legs and arms to get warmed up.

" Yes, but meditation isn't enough. Anger is what fuels your powers, but if it overloads you lose control. So you need a way to vent your anger out. This is why I think fighting sessions is a good idea. One that is worth trying".

I nod, and stand up.

" Okay, let's try it, what do you want to do first".

" Combat". He says and I nod. We walk to the middle of the room. " No weapons, no powers".

Once again I nod, and we face each other.

I get my arms In a defense position, and he does the same. He waits for an opening, coming closer and going further away from one another.

He makes a move and I jump to the side, narrowly missing him. This time I take a turn as he re positions himself, aiming for his stomach. He easily blocks my attempt, and takes this as an advantage and throws a hit.

It was a light punch, and it doesn't knock me back too far. I look him in the eye and he smirks, determination radiating off him.

We both go in for it, blocking and dodging, he's far better and much more skilled than me. He goes light and tries not to hurt me, I on the other hand give it as much as I have.

My strength isn't amazing without my powers, and even with me trying my best it does little to no impact.

Panting, I try to take one more hit at him. I run towards him, aiming for him stomach. I surprise him with this attack, as I had been trying to make him think I was about to give up. But really I was saving all my energy for this.

I run to him, and he takes a step forward. I hit him, but the impact sends me flying back and I trip over my feet.

" Rachel!" He yells in alarm as he grabs my arm, but instead of saving me I bring him down with me. In an attempt to keep me safe he flips us over so he would take the impact.

"Damien, thank you". I say, but realize I'm laying on top of him. I could hear his heart erratically beating in his chest.

" It would be nice if you got off me anytime today". I quickly pull my self off him and stand back, giving him space.

" I-i have to go... Feed my cat" I splutter out.

" You don't own a cat?" He says as I run to the exit.

" Did I say cat? I meant beast boy!" I say before rounding the corner and hiding behind a wall.

After a moment I peer curiously round at him, hiding behind the wall so he wouldn't notice me.

Damien sighs and stands up, scratching the back of his neck. He's confused, and now I feel guilty.

I stand up and head to my room for a nice cold shower. I needed to clear my head, and hopefully figure out these new feelings towards Damien.

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