cotton candy

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'Youre nothing, let me in and we can be something. Let me in and we can rule'

I fell asleep the minute I hit my pillow, but I awoke a little while later to the voices.

They are getting too strong now to stop them, to push them aside and think about something else.

"Shut up!" I yell, throwing a pillow across the room. A simple laugh responded but it gave me goosebumps, however the voice stops. The laugh was still stuck in my head as I get changed and head down to the training room to meet robin.

It felt weird switching back and forth between Damien and robin. They were the same person of course, but it was still a strange feeling. Especially since dick used to be robin.

I felt excited to see him after spending a whole night with him, but my pace was slow and my thoughts were only concentrated on the voice.

It felt so familiar, like I've been hearing it my whole life.

I knew it want me to join it, whatever it was. The urge to do so was too tempting, which was why I need to get this under control

I arrive at the training room, and accidentally spot Damien wiping his face with his shirt. Revealing his abs.

My face flushes, and I gasp. He doesn't notice me, but I wait till my face returns to a normal colour and I can't see his stomach.

" Damien" I say, announcing my presence

He turns to face me, his lips pressed together.

" Rachel". Butterflies dance in my stomach when he says my name
" I hope you know I'm not going to go easy on you, even with your powers acting up. I think we need to slowly start pushing it to the limit".

I nod and smile.

"GUYS!" Beast boy yells, running to us. " KORY SAID WERE GOING TO THE CARNIVAL!"

Grabbing my hand, he starts to run back out. I blush at the contact and follow him, looking back to see if damien was following us.

He wasn't.

"Beast boy, give me a second. I'll follow you, just-". He nods and runs off.

I turn around to face Damien and frown.

" Are you not coming?".

" Carnivals are a waste of time".

" No they're not, it'll be fun. It's really good, they come round every year. The candy floss is to die for".

" Who would die just for candy floss?"

I laugh, "Beast boy and I".

" Beast boy and I? I didn't realize how close you two are". This makes me hesitant to respond, confused at such a statement.

" We just share a mutual love over candy floss, were not dating or anything of the such if that's what your wondering. And I would much rather hang out with you than beast boy, he just hangs around these dance games. So please, come".

He sighs but nods.

I smile and grab his hand, and run with him to the others.

He doesn't protest.

Once we arrive in the living room, I talk to Kory and open up a portal. Everyone goes through, apart from Damien, who walk through it besides me.

" We'll have to reschedule our training, this is quite the inconvenience". I roll my eyes, and jump up and down at seeing the candy floss machine.

" Damien! Look! Candy floss, common!". I yell, and run to it, accidentally flying due to excitement, and quickly made sure no civilians saw.

I have no money on me, and look around for Kory to ask to borrow some cash.

" What are you waiting for?" Damien asks, searching around, trying to spot what I'm looking for.

" Kory, I have no money on me".

" Oh, why didn't you say so". He pulls out his wallet from nowhere, and pulls out a hundred bill.

He gives it to the man, who stares at him astonished.

" Sorry" Damien says " it's the smallest note I have, keep the change".

I blink at him, the candy floss was only 5 pounds. He looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to choose a colour.

" the blue one please, a large. I'll share, and pay you back".

" Tt- it's fine, and I'm not fussed. Keep it for yourself".

The man gives me my cotton candy, and Damien starts walking off with his long legs. I struggle to keep up. He notices me struggling, and slows down.

" Please at least have some" he shakes his head. " Please, I want to know what's your opinion on it".

He sighs, and takes a piece. I watch him place it in his mouth, and I can feel myself blush.

It was winter, and the afternoon was turning into evening, the night sky fading into darkness. Hopefully he couldn't see my blush.

" It's awful" he says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

" I'm sorry what?".

" It's disgusting, pure sugar'.

I scoff " are you even human, it's delicious. Fine, I'll share with beast boy".

" No!" He yells, but looks surprised. I furrow my eyebrows, confused. " I was joking, you can share with me'. He says, pulling another bit before plopping it in his mouth.

I shrug and start walking towards the ferris wheel, pretending to not notice him spitting it out onto a tissue.

" We should go find the others?" I suggest, and he begrudgingly nods.

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