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It was peaceful until Nop's worried shouts echoed across the house.

Nop knocked on Pete's door in a hurry. Thankfully, Pete opened it immediately.

"What's wrong, Nop?" Pete asked carrying Venice while drinking his milk.

"Vegas! I mean, Master Vegas!" Nop chimes.

"What's with him?"

"He's gone!"

Without another second wasted, Pete ran towards Vegas' room whilst being careful with Venice in his hold.

"Phi! Hia is nowhere to be found!" Macau breathlessly informed Pete.

"We searched everywhere but he's not here!" Nop exclaimed with a failed expression.

"Sir, Nop! Khun Pete! Khun Vegas escaped." A guard holding a tablet approached them.

He showed the tablet to them that is playing how Vegas escaped earlier.

He faked himself sleeping by just placing pillows underneath his blanket. Of course, no one would dare wake him up – everyone was busy and he ordered them not to enter unless he said so.

They should've suspected by then.

The video then played the scene where Vegas talked to three bodyguard. They conversed for a minute or two before Vegas went to a car together with those men.

It seems like he was convincing the bodyguard that he'd go alone but they were adamant in saying no. It was obvious in their actions that they were hesitant and in doubt.

"Where was he headed?" Pete asked in commanding voice.

"The Minor Family's mansion, Khun Pete." The bodyguard answered.

Nop and Pete looked at each other then to the CCTV video again.

All of a sudden, Vegas knocked them by hitting them by a gun and kicked some of them before driving off the perimeter.

"Nop, gather all your skilled men! Macau, stay here, okay? Look after Venice just like I taught you–

Pete froze when he felt the cold familiar material in the back of his head.

"Get your hands off Venice."

"Hia!" Macau couldn't believe what he's witnessing that caused him to cover his mouth with his hands.

"Master Vegas!" Nop and the other bodyguard don't know what to do. Do they raise their gun? But to who? Pete? Vegas?

They're contemplating.

"I said get your hands off him!" Vegas repeated. This time, pressing the gun even further to Pete's head.

Pete calmly handed Venice to Macau and mouthed 'Don't worry' at the younger. Pete then raised both his hands in the air.

"Get him away from here, Macau!" Vegas ordered but Macau didn't comply.

"Vegas, I think there's a misunderstanding." Pete tried to reason out.

"Misunderstanding? Did you mean how you deceived us? Deceived me?!" Vegas was shaking in anger.

An anger directed to an innocent Pete.

"W-what?" Pete asked in complete confusion.

"You... You killed my father right in front of me! Then when I got into an accident, you took advantage of it and acted like the innocent one!" Vegas pressed the gun again in Pete's head.

Pete just closed his eyes and took measured breaths, trying to calm down. "That's not what happened, Vegas! Whoever told you that is lying–

"You're the liar here!" Vegas cried out.

"Believe me, Vegas." Pete begged.

"Leave before I shoot you." Vegas bargained.

Pete shakes his head. "I won't. This is a misunderstanding."

"Master Vegas..."


"Don't go near him! He's dangerous–

"I'm not the one with a gun, Vegas." Pete stated which reminded him of his gun. He patted his back but it was gone.

"Stop moving." Vegas warned again.

Pete did what he's told. He glances at the peacefully sleeping Venice.

"Please put the gun down, Vegas. Venice is here..." Pete pleads.

"I won't. Not until you're still here."

"Vegas please... You don't even know how to use that." Pete reminded Vegas.

"Leave." Vegas sternly said.

"I'll leave! Just–Just put your gun down..."

"I won't harm him but you will!" Vegas screams that made Venice flinch.

Pete looked at Venice with worry. "Vegas please...I'm begging you. Put your gun down first then I'll get out of here–

"Why should I follow you?" Vegas scoffs.

"Because I'm hungry..."

"Huh? What– Shit–"

Vegas suddenly held his head with his left hand then stumbled while groaning in pain. His head is probably throbbing again.

While Vegas was in that state, Pete took it as a chance to hold Venice to safety but when he was about to retrieve him from Macau, a gun suddenly fired.


All of them screamed in horror.

It was Vegas accidentally gripping the trigger due to the pain and fired in Venice's direction.

VegasPete: For The ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now