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March 17, 2008

Kamryn Grace Halstead was sound asleep in her crib as the sun slowly rose over Chicago. Hailey and Jay were both awake in their room looking at some pictures of their baby girl as it was her 2nd birthday.

"How is she 2 already?" Jay sighed, chuckling softly at a picture of him and Kamryn the day she was born.

"I don't know. But I don't like it. She's gonna be 16 before we know it," Hailey smiled, looking over at the baby monitor as she heard the rustling of sheets on the monitor.

"She awake or just moving?"

"I think just moving. She'd cry or call one of us if she woke up,"

"We got a good sleeper," Jay chuckled, laying back again as they looked at more pictures.

"We did. I just hope it stays that way," the woman smiled, pushing herself off the bed to get clothes out for the day.

"What time is her party starting again?"

"Everyone should be here around 1. Did that Antonio say if he was coming?"

"Yeah. Him and his wife. I told him they could bring their kids, Eva's 3 and Diego's 1," he said as he got up and changed before heading to their daughter's room.

"Hey munchkin, time to wake up. Someone's turning 2 today!" Jay smiled, carefully pulling the blanket off the toddler. He carefully picked the sleepy child up out of her crib, letting her snuggle against him for a minute. "Mommy's making your favorite pancakes, how about we get changed and go get her?"

"Mama," the toddler mumbled, whining as Jay laid her on the changing table.

"I know stinker but we gotta get you changed and dressed first," Jay told the child, quickly changing her diaper before putting her in a cute pair of toddler jeans and a shirt that said "Woohoo! I'm 2!" before taking her downstairs to where Hailey was making breakfast. "There's mama,"

"Good morning Kammy," Hailey chuckled, taking the child and kissing her cheeks as she reached for her. "Happy birthday little one,"

The three of them ate their breakfast once it was finished before decorating the house a little bit. Hailey put Kamryn's hair in 2 cute pigtails with little bows, finishing as their guests started arriving. It was more work people than family but uncle Will was for sure in attendance.

It had become a tradition for Will to come to Chicago at least once a year on the week of Kamryn's birthday. He'd always spend a ton of time with his brother, sister-in-law, and niece before returning to New York for work.

"How on earth are you 2?" Will asked, lifting the toddler off the ground. Kamryn just giggled as Will bounced her up and down before walking around the house.

"So her first day of daycare is Monday, you ready?" Hailey's coworker, Sarah, asked.

"No. I don't think I'll ever be ready," Hailey sighed, watching Will with her baby.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, my kids love it there. The teachers are great, and it's 10 minutes from the district,"

"But 30 from Jay's, he's at 26," Hailey sighed, "so they'll always call me if she's sick and if I can't get her, she's waiting 30 minutes for Jay,"

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