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Hailey got Kamryn all set up on the couch so she could lay around and watch movies all day. Hailey sat on the couch near Kamryn's head and played with her hair as she pressed play on their DVD player. She had put in "Barbies Princess and the Pauper" movie that Kamryn loved and could honestly watch all day. Between that and Beauty and the Beast, they'd be completely set. They'd watch movies over and over but if that's what kept the little girl calm, they'd watch any move over and over.

"How we doing?" Jay asked as he came into the house with a few grocery bags full of things that would be easy for Kamryn to eat.

"She's falling asleep," Hailey smiled a little playing with Kamryn's hair, looking back at him as he put groceries away.

"She doing okay pain-wise?" He asked, putting everything where they could easily get it in case they needed it fast.

"Yeah, she hasn't really whined much about it, just told me she wanted to go to sleep," she nodded, looking back down at Kamryn as she shut her eyes.

"I got everything she could possibly want at the store. Mostly Mac and cheese and mashed potatoes but she'll eat those," he chuckled.

"Perfect. She can have a whole cake for all I care. As long as she eats," Hailey said as she got up when Kamryn was asleep.

"Agreed," he nodded, putting the last of the things away before he went to the other room.

They both stayed in the room with Kamryn, doing some work while she slept on the couch.

After she woke up, all she wanted to do was snuggle with Jay. She just needed her dad.

"You gotta take some medicine sweetie," he said as Hailey handed him the medication they'd prescribed for pain.

"No Daddy. It's gross!" She whined, looking at Jay with puppy dog eyes.

"It's gonna help baby, it'll make you feel better," he tried, holding the syringe to her mouth. "Real quick Kam,"

Kamryn whined but she gave in and took the medicine before whining against Jay. It took everything she had to not spit it out.

"I know it sucks Kam but it'll feel better in a few days and you'll go back to school,"

"I wanna color Daddy,"

"Go ahead honey, I'll color with you," he nodded, setting her on the floor before he grabbed a coloring book off the kitchen counter and brought it out to the living room. "Alright, Barbie or My Little Pony?"

"Barbie. You can color a pony," she told him, "And mommy can color in my puppy one,"

"I think mamas trying to get some work done sweetie, but I'm sure she'll join us later," Jay told her, dumping the crayons on the table and going for one.

"I'll be out in a little bit honey," Hailey called from the dining room where she was working on some things for work.

"Okay Mommy," she nodded, coloring a picture of the Barbie in front of her.

"Looks good kiddo," Jay praised, continuing to color his picture.

"Thanks, Daddy," she grinned, proud of herself for staying in the lines.

"You tell me if you start getting tired okay? We'll turn on a movie again and you can take a nap."

"Okay," Kamryn shrugged, continuing to color before she finished it.

She didn't take too long before she was telling Jay that she was tired. He just smiled and sat her on his lap with her favorite blanket and played with her little head of hair.

Kamryn didn't take too long to fall asleep as she was snuggled up against him. Jay also started to snooze along with her, leaving Hailey to work in a quiet house.

She came out of the office after noticing just how quiet it was to see her husband and little girl sound asleep on the couch. She chuckled a little at the 2 of them and snuck a photo before she tiptoed back to the office and got back to work.

Kamryn and Jay slept a total of 3 hours before Hailey woke both of them up. She knew Kamryn wouldn't sleep that night if she didn't.

"Mama, can I have some ice cream?" She asked in the sweetest little voice she could.

"Yeah baby, you can have some," she nodded, going to the kitchen and getting her a small bowl of her favorite chocolate ice cream.

She took it and held it on her lap as she ate and she and Jay watched Beauty and the Beast for the millionth time.

She wasn't complaining too much and Hailey had been able to mix her medicine into her little Sundae. As long as Kamryn ate it all, she'd be fine and she'd get all of her dosage as she needed.

Jay and Hailey had been really good about keeping up on getting it ready on time but getting Kamryn to take it was a different story.

They'd tried bribing her with toys, fun things, and candy, they tried mixing it with her favorite drinks but she always noticed it. They knew it stunk and she hated it but it was helping her. Her not tasting it in the ice cream was a win-win situation. She was taking all of it.

They had just cracked the code.

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