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March 25, 2008

Jay woke up in the rocking chair the next morning with Kamryn still sound asleep on him. The little girl was clutching his shirt with one hand while the other was occupied with sucking her thumb.

"Kammy, wake up," Jay mumbled into her little head of hair, "Wanna help me make some waffles for mama?"

"Mama?" Kamryn asked, taking her thumb out of her mouth to look at Jay.

"You want mama?"

"Mama," She clapped, sticking her thumb right back in her mouth again.

"We'll get mama after we make waffles," He smiled, setting her on the floor before stretching himself, with Kam imitating him. "Come here stinker," he chuckled, picking her up and setting her on the changing table. He got her diaper changed and put her in a cute new outfit before he took her downstairs.

They made waffles for all 3 of them before taking them up the steps to Hailey. Jay helped Kamryn onto their bed, letting her crawl over to Hailey.

"Mama?" She asked, poking Hailey's cheek.

"Hmm?" Hailey mumbled, pulling Kamryn into her arms, "Come cuddle with mommy,"

"We made waffles," Jay chuckled, sitting on the bed with both of them.

"I hewp!" The toddler giggled, snuggling up to her mom.

"You did? Well, then I have to get up and eat huh?"


Jay smiled and set a towel down for kam to eat on, before giving Hailey her plate and eating his own.

After they both got ready for the day, Jay got Kamryn's bag ready while Hailey finished her hair and got her in the car. They told Jay goodbye before leaving their home and heading for the daycare center.

"Okay. We're gonna have a good day right?" Hailey asked, putting the car in park and getting out, opening the passenger side rear door. "You're gonna play and go outside and then take a nap and daddy will be here. Sound good?"

"Otay," she nodded, reaching for Hailey as she unbuckled her.

"Alright. Let's go," she chuckled, pulling her from the seat and carrying her in.

"Good morning Kamryn," Hannah smiled, opening the door.

Kamryn whined and hid her face in Hailey's neck, holding onto her mother tighter.

"Baby it's gonna be a good day. You're gonna play a lot okay? Daddy's gonna come get you after nap," Hailey tried, not wanting to have to pry her daughter off her.

"I promise, it'll get better," Hannah nodded, ready to take the little girl.

"Okay baby, I'm gonna give you to Miss Hannah. Can I have a kiss?" She asked, getting a little whine from the baby. "I know honey. I love you," she said, peeling the child off her and handing her to the teacher.

"Mama!!" Kamryn cried, reaching for Hailey as she left the room.

Hailey got back in her car, letting out a heavy sigh before heading off to the district.

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