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August 18, 2011

The next morning, Hailey woke up to the sound of her alarm and turned over to notice that it was almost 9 AM. Kamryn started school at 9:15 so they were officially late.

"Jay get up!" She said as she jumped out of bed, "Jay let's go! We're late. We both slept through our alarms,"

"Hmm?" He asked, looking at Hailey as he woke up and registered everything that was happening.

"Let's go, Jay. We gotta get up!" She said as she pulled the covers off her husband and went into their bathroom.

Hailey got changed really quickly, brushed her teeth, and pulled her blonde hair into a ponytail before checking the time. 9:08. They were going to be late. She quickly called her boss and told him what was going on before she pulled up the school's number and called them.

"Heritage Elementary, can I help you?" The sweet receptionist answered.

"Hi, this is Kamryn Halstead's mother. She is going to be coming in a few minutes late today," She explained while she ran downstairs and started to throw a quick lunch together for Kam.

"Alright, I'll let her teacher know, thank you, Mrs. Halstead," The woman said before they both hung up.

"Jay! Kam! Let's go! We're late!" She called up the steps as she ran back up to try and get her daughter ready as fast as she could.

"You make the coffee yet?" Jay called from their bedroom while Hailey got Kam changed into a cute outfit and threw her hair in a quick ponytail with a bow.

"Yeah, it's in the coffee pot!" She told him, taking Kam downstairs and getting the rest of her things. "Go tell daddy bye, we gotta go, honey,"

"Bye, Daddy!" Kam giggled, hugging Jay's legs tightly.

"Bye peanut, I love you," He responded, squatting so he could give Kamryn a hug and a kiss.

"Love you, Daddy!" She giggled, kissing his cheek before she ran to get Hailey's hand.

"I'll see you guys later, be safe," He told Hailey, giving her a quick kiss before they left the house.

Hailey got Kam settled in her booster seat before she got in and headed right for the school.

"Alright kiddo, we're gonna have a great day right?" She asked as she pulled out of the driveway.

"Yeah, Mommy!" She giggled, kicking her feet as Hailey drove.

"I know we started our day off a little quick but that's okay! We're all gonna have a good day,"

"Okay, mama!" She said as she looked out the window.

"Are you going to play with Charlie today?" Hailey asked, looking at Kamryn in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah!" the child grinned, waving at Hailey as she caught her little reflection in the mirror.

"And then daddy is gonna pick you up when school is over okay?" She asked, looking back at the road as the light she was waiting on turned green.


"Alright, here we are kiddo," She smiled, parking the car in a spot and getting out.

Kamryn did her best to unbuckle herself but it just wasn't happening and she was getting frustrated. "Mommy help!"

"Okay. Okay. Take a breath honey, it's just your seatbelt," she told her, easily reaching over her and releasing the mechanism. "Let's go kiddo,"

"Let's go!" She smiled as she jumped out of the big car and grabbed Hailey's hand.

Hailey walked her into the office and walked her to her classroom, giving her a quick hug and kiss before she left.

Kamryn went to the window and waved as Hailey drove the SUV off to work.

Kamryn ran right over to her teacher and gave her the paper that Hailey had told her to.

"We were late this morning!" She announced, "Mommy and daddy woke up late and then they woke me up!"

"That's just crazy. Silly Mommy and Daddy," the teacher chuckled, smiling at the child's excitement over being a little bit late.

"They are silly! Daddy calls me peanut, I'm not a nut!" She giggled, bouncing off to her seat.

The teacher taught all morning until it was time for lunch and recess. Kamryn ate the entirety of her thrown-together lunch before heading out to the playground for some fun.

Kamryn was playing with Charlie and running around when she tripped over the sidewalk and fell on her knees and arms, leaving big marks immediately. The child cried out and immediately limped over to the playground monitor who let her back in the school with her teacher.

"I want my mommy," she sobbed, sitting in one of the chairs in the cafeteria while her teacher started to clean her cuts up.

"I know you do sweetie. You took a hard fall huh?"

"Mhm," she cried, letting out a little whine when the soap got into her cuts.  "I want Mommy,"

"I know Kam. I'll put a bandaid on you and then I'll go email your mom right after, okay?" She asked, looking at the child as she seemed to cry more.

"No I want Mommy," she sobbed even more, "I wanna go home!"

"Okay, what if we can call mommy?" She asked, getting a nod from the child, "Alright let's go, we can call her in the classroom okay?"

"Mhm," Kam nodded, holding her teacher's hand as they walked through the halls back to the classroom.

The teacher got her special binder of information down and looked up Hailey's work number, dialing it before she called.

"Hello?" Hailey answered, immediately nervous that the school was calling her.

"Hey, Mrs. Halstead. This is Kamryn's teacher. I have Kam right here with me, she took a hard fall on the playground and skinned her knee and arm up. She wanted to talk to you if you have a minute?" The teacher explained.

"Of course, I'll talk to her," Hailey agreed, waiting to hear her favorite little voice on the phone.

"Mommy?" Kam asked, trying to hold the phone that her teacher was helping with.

"Hey baby, did you fall?"

"Mhm. Outside," she sniffled, calming down as soon as she heard Hailey's voice.

"Aww sweetie," she sighed, "We'll cuddle tonight okay? And we'll get daddy too,"

"Okay," Kam mumbled.

"Daddy will come get you soon okay? Just a little longer. Can you go back outside and play?"


"I love you,"

"I love you too Mommy,"

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