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Kamryn slept on and off all day, snuggled up against Jay for most of the day, and felt better after 3 days of resting. Just in time for her next appointment with Natalie.

Hailey had gotten one that both she and Jay could make it to since they knew the possibility of getting her tonsils and adenoids removed was an option. They both knew that that would be rough but it might help their daughter to stay away from the sickness.

"Alright, kiddo, mommy's car or daddy's car?" Jay asked, letting Kamryn pick since they were going to the same place.

"Mommys!" She giggled, rushing for Hailey's car and pulling open the big door.

"Alright, I guess we'll see you there," Hailey chuckled, holding Kamryn's hand as she climbed into the SUV and sat in her seat. Hailey made sure she was buckled in before she got in herself and followed Jay all the way to Med.

Hailey was nervous about the appointment and was dealing with the double-edged sword ahead of her. She didn't want to have her 7-year-old go through the pain of getting her tonsils and adenoids out but she was also okay with it if it stopped Kam from getting sick so often. She hated seeing her little girl so miserable and was willing to do anything that could help her.

"You ready honey?" Hailey asked as she looked at Kamryn through the rearview mirror.

"I guess," She shrugged, looking out the window as she watched the trees go by. "Mommy are they gonna look in my mouth again?"

"Probably baby, just to see if the spots went away," Hailey nodded, stopping at a red light, "Nothing will hurt today,"

"Okay," Kamryn shrugged, staying quiet as Hailey finished the drive to the hospital.

Jay waited ad got out as soon as the 2 other members of his family pulled up. Hailey got out and grabbed her things while Jay opened Kamryn's door and helped her out of the tall car and held her hand as they walked into the hospital. They got in the elevator and went up to the pediatric wing, checking Kamryn in and sitting in the waiting area.

"Kamryn?" A nurse asked as she came out after only a few minutes.

They went back to a room and Jay helped Kamryn sit up on the bed with a few crayons to draw on the paper. Before they started to color, the nurse got some information from the parents and then a few of Kamryn's vitals.

"What are you going to draw?" Jay asked, pulling the chair up to the bed as he grabbed a crayon.

"Some flowers," Kamryn replied. sticking her tongue out with some focus in her eyes.

"Okay, I'll make the sun and maybe some grass?"

"Okay," She smiled, both Jay and Kamryn getting to work on their little masterpiece.

Natalie came in 10 minutes later, greeting the family as she put on some hand sanitizer. "How are you doing Kamryn?"

"I feel better," SHe nodded, handing her crayon to Jay as he put his chair back where it belonged.

"Are you still taking the medicine or are we done with that?" Natalie asked as she looked over when the last appointment was and how many days of medicine she gave them.

"She has one more dose for tonight and that's it," Hailey answered.

"Alright let's see. Kamryn can you say ahh?" Natalie asked as she pulled out her penlight to look in Kamryn's throat.

Kamryn did as she was told, letting Natalie take a look before she felt the lymph nodes on her neck and sat down.

"Alright, so we talked about getting her tonsils and adenoids out at her last appointment, where are we with that?" The doctor asked.

"We haven't talked to her about it but I think we should go through with it, as long as it helps her fight off all these viruses," Hailey answered, looking at Jay who nodded.

"Alright, we'll get that scheduled for as soon as we can. She'll probably need at least 3 or 4 days off of school to recover and only soft foods for a few days," Natalie told them, giving them a referral for the pediatric surgery center.

"Alright," They both nodded, taking the paper and getting up.

Jay dropped Kamryn off at school before going to work and getting what he could do before the day ended. It was mostly paperwork at this point and all he could think about was Kamryn. He didn't want his little girl to have to go through the pain of it but also, like Hailey, knew that it would be better for her in the long run.

Hailey was also thinking about it as she called and scheduled the surgery for about 2 weeks out. They had to get her a few appointments with Natalie which she also called and scheduled before she went and picked up Kamryn. They met Jay for ice cream after school so they could butter Kam up a little bit before they would tell her what was going to happen.

"Get whatever you want honey," Hailey told her as she looked at the menu.

"Can I get a large mama?" She asked, looking up at Hailey as she held her hand.

"You can, but you won't be able to eat it all here, we'll have to take it home," She told her, looking down at her daughter.

"Okay, she shrugged, going to look at all of the flavors behind the glass wall. "Can I get chocolate and mint chocolate chip mama?"

"Yes baby," She nodded, willing to give her anything she wanted today. The idea of her baby having surgery scared the life out of her but she trusted that the doctors knew what they were doing. She didn't want to see Kamryn in pain but if it would help her, she'd do it.

She also knew that they were about to spoil the crap out of their little girl, before and after everything. They were doing the best they could for her.

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