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Weeks later and Kamryn was ready to go for her surgery. She was obviously a little scared but Hailey and Jay babied her a little bit and let her sleep with them the night before.

They both got up around 4:30, early enough to get showered and ready before they got Kamryn up. They had to be at the hospital by 6 so Kamryn could get in prep and be in surgery by 7.

Hailey got her outfit ready before she sat on her bed and gently shook her little girl awake.

"Come on honey, wakey wakey," she whispered, getting Kamryn to groan a little bit.

"I don't wanna go, Mommy," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes as Hailey pushed some hair out of her face.

"I know baby but it's gonna make you feel so much better. You won't have to take the medicine all the time anymore. It's gonna help you stay healthy," Hailey tried to explain while Kam just laid there.

"I don't wanna,"

"I know baby," she sighed, pulling Kam into her lap. "It's gonna be over soon and you can have some ice cream right after,"

"Okay," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes again.

"Let's get dressed okay?" She asked, setting Kamryn's feet on the floor.

"Can we have breakfast first?" She asked, looking at Hailey for an answer.

"I'm sorry baby, you can't eat yet," Hailey told her, hating that she had to tell her no. They made sure to give her a snack before she had to stop eating the night before because she knew she would want something in the morning. She was thankful that they did the kids first so they could get it over with and also, give Kam something to eat after it was over and she was off the anesthesia.

The rest of the time at home went quickly and soon they were in the car and on their way to med. Hailey was hoping one of them could be with her while she was put to sleep or maybe Will could be in there. They both knew Kam would most likely freak out and wanted this to all go smoothly.

Jay carried Kamryn in and held her in the elevator while they waited to get to check-in. Hailey opened the door for him, letting him go sit down with Kam while she went to check Kamryn in.

"You okay kiddo?" Jay asked as he sat with Kamryn on his lap.

"I wanna go home Daddy," she whined, staying curled up against her father.

"I know baby, but we will after it's over. We're gonna be home tonight. Do you want to sleep with Mommy and daddy again?" He asked, kissing her head as Hailey came over again.

"Mhm," she mumbled, looking at Hailey as she sat down.

"I know sweetie. It's gonna be okay," she nodded, leaning over to kiss her cheek. "It's gonna help you feel so much better honey,"

"I don't want it mama," she whined again, tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"I know baby," she nodded as one of the nurses came out to get her.

Jay once again carried her back, knowing Kamryn would put up a fight if she had to walk.

"Hi honey," the nurse smiled, hoping to keep the child calm for the time being.

"It's okay baby. You can say hi," Jay said as he rubbed her back, "She's a little nervous,"

"Perfectly normal," she nodded, showing them to a room where they were going to prep the 7-year-old.

"Go ahead and change her into this, have her go potty and I'll be back in," the nurse smiled, shutting the door as she left.

Jay stepped out while Hailey helped her get changed and had her use the restroom before Jay came back.

The nurse came back in and started to get everything she needed for the IV while Jay sat on the bed and sat kamryn in his lap.

"It's just gonna be a little poke okay honey?" He told her as she came over and rubbed the alcohol wipe on her arm.

"Little poke honey," the nurse, Jenna, told her as she poked her with the needle. Kamryn didn't scream like both parents thought she would but she did cry as Jay held her.

"Good job baby," Jay praised her, holding her close as he rocked back and forth. "It's all smooth sailing from here okay?"

"I wanna go home!" Kam cried, now sobbing against Jay.

"I know baby. I know," he mumbled, holding her against him as she sobbed.

"They're ready for her," Jenna told them as Jay held her.

"Can one of us come with her?" Hailey asked as Will walked in.

"I can't have you guys back there with her but Dr Halstead said he could be,"

"Okay," Jay nodded, kissing her forehead. "Give mommy a kiss,"

Kamryn nodded and did as she was told and gave Hailey a quick kiss before Jay handed her over to Will.

"Daddy and I will be right here when you wake up okay?" Hailey told her, kissing her forehead again as she was in Will's arms.

"I wanna go home mama," she sniffled, hugging onto Will tightly.

"Once you get this done, you can go home Kammy okay?" Will told her, giving her a little more time to give Jay and Hailey a second kiss.

Will then carried her to the operating room where he laid her down and stayed in her view the whole time.

"You're just gonna go to sleep and then when you wake up, you'll be with mommy and daddy again," he assured her, watching as they put the medicine through her IV. "Just go to sleep Kammy, I'm right here,"

Kamryn didn't take too long to fall asleep under the anesthesia and Will stayed for a few minutes after they began to make sure everything went off without a hiccup before reporting that back to Jay and Hailey. He knew it would give them a little piece of mind and they'd soon have their baby back in their arms again.

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