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April 5, 2008

It had been almost a week since the accident and Jay had filed the claim on the SUV. Neither of them was shocked when it was totaled out and they would have to get a new car. They needed a new car seat for Kam as well but were hoping their car insurance would cover that. Kam wasn't in the car with her and she thanked her lucky stars for that, and even though she wasn't, they would need a new car seat for her.

"Do you want to go look at cars today?" Jay asked, knowing Hailey would need one before she returned to work within the next few weeks.

"We can. We have to take Kam though so we have a car seat. And we can put her seat in the cars to make sure she fits and has enough room,"

"She's 2 Hail, how much room does she need at her age?"

"I still want her to be comfortable," She chuckled, "You really want her screaming every time we go somewhere?"


"Uh-huh, that's what I thought," She chuckled again, "Let's eat and then we can go, but we need to come home around 1 so she can take a nap. We can go back out after but I want her to nap here,"

"Okay," He agreed, starting to make them all a simple breakfast so they could get out of there.

They all ate quickly and by 9 were heading out to car dealerships to look for new cars for Hailey. Jay was planning to get Hailey something brand new, even if they didn't have the insurance money yet. They were planning to buy the car now and put down what they could but when they received the money for the wrecked Pilot, put whatever they could down on the new car.

They all were ready after another outfit change for Kam, with all the oatmeal she'd dropped on herself. They got a few things in the car for Kam to play with before heading off to their first stop of the day, the Honda dealership. She looked at another Pilot as well as the CRV but when she test-drove them, it didn't feel the same as her (now wrecked) Pilot. They left the honda dealership empty-handed and went right next door to the Toyota dealership and hoped to find something there.

They were able to find a Ford Explorer and Expedition but she wasn't a huge fan of either. She test-drove a Chevy Tahoe and also wasn't sold on that. The Toyota RAV4 was a little too small for her liking. She didn't want another Pilot after the luck they had with hers. She finally got in a Toyota 4Runner and fell in love with the SUV.

As soon as they returned, they headed inside and started to get details worked out about the new car.

Kamryn had started to get fussy, making Jay check his watch. It was time to eat and definitely time for Kam to take a nap.

"Hey Hail, I'm gonna take Kam home. She needs to eat and take her nap," Jay said as he stuck his head in the small room.

"Okay," she nodded, getting up to give her baby a hug and kiss. "I'll see you later baby,"

"Mama," she whined, reaching for Hailey as she gave her a quick kiss.

"I know baby. Daddy will bring you back after your nap," she told her, kissing her cheek again before Jay took her to the impala. He got her strapped in and set with her toy before he got in and drove home. He fed her a quick lunch before he set her in her crib and let her take her daily nap.

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