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March 28, 2008

The next morning, Hailey was up at 5 AM, thinking and hoping it would be an easy day and easy drop off for Kamryn. It was Friday so she figured taking her for the day and then having 2 days with them would help ease her back in.

She was ready to go back to work but not ready to leave her baby again.

"Why you up? You still have an hour," Jay asked as he rolled over.

"Nerves," She shrugged, "We've been with her so much, I don't want her to freak out," She sighed, sitting up as Jay did also.

"She's gonna be fine Hail. She's gotta get used to it and then she won't need us at all,"


"I mean to carry her in. We won't be peeling her off us anymore,"

"I don't want that. I want her to be with me," she sighed, "I hate hearing her cry all the way down the hallway,"

"I know but she'll figure it out," he chuckled, kissing her cheek, "I'm gonna go take a shower,"

She nodded and got up, going to the toddler's room and checking in on her. Kamryn was still out like a light, sucking her thumb as she held her favorite blanket in her other hand. Hailey watched her for a second before going down to the kitchen and making breakfast while she mentally prepared herself.

"You okay?" Jay asked, making his wife jump slightly, "sorry,"

"I got a little lost in my head," she sighed, "I'm glad it's only one day. I'll say that,"

"She's gonna do fine Hail. So are you,"

"I'm not so sure," she chuckled, "You wanna get her up or take over the food?"

"I'll let you get her," he smiled, taking over the breakfast Hailey was making.

Hailey walked upstairs and into Kamryn's room, greeted by the toddler standing in her crib, "Hi baby. You sleep good?"

"Mama!" Kamryn squealed, making grabby hands at Hailey as she was picking out her outfit for the day.

"I'm coming Kammy," she chuckled, setting her outfit on the changing table before lifting the toddler out of her crib.

"Mama!" She giggled, clapping as Hailey held her. Hailey then laid her down and changed her before she took her downstairs.

"Dada!" She squealed, pointing at Jay.

"Good morning little miss," he smiled, cutting up some pancakes to put on her tray.

Kamryn reached for Jay as soon as Hailey was close enough. Jay took her and held her for a minute before he set her down in her high chair and they all ate together before getting in the cars and heading for the daycare. Hailey talked to Kamryn the entire time as the little one kicked in her rear-facing seat.

"You're gonna have a good day, okay?" She told her daughter, pulling up to the small daycare center.

"Mama," she whined.

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