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Three years passed before Jay and Hailey's eyes. Kamryn was now 15 and a half and ready to start learning to drive. Both Jay and Hailey were nervous about how it would go over with Kamryn being an anxious child, but they knew she had to do it. With them having extremely unpredictable hours at work, she would have to take city transit or walk home, and neither parent wanted that. She could walk to the district, but that would be only if she wanted to. They wouldn't force her if she didn't feel like it.

"Hey, kiddo, you ready?" Jay asked as Kamryn jumped into the truck after school.

"Hey. Yeah," she beamed, "I'm so ready. I've been studying all class for this,"

"Excuse me?" He asked, looking over at her.

"I mean...between classes. Totally," she smiled nervously, trying to back out of the statement she'd just told her father.

"Nice save,"

"I've been so nervous. I'm just trying to be prepared," she chuckled, grabbing her little booklet to look over it again.

She had Jay quiz her for the entire drive to the DMV, and even when they were sitting there and waiting for her name to be called.

"Kamryn Halstead?" A woman asked, pushing her glasses back up as she looked at the crowd.

"Go get 'Em, kid," Jay smiled as she got up.

Kamryn sat at the computer and started her test as soon as she was allowed, second-guessing every answer she made.

The test only took about 15 minutes, and when she finished, she sat back down next to Jay, waiting on her results.

"How do you feel like you did?" He asked, looking at her as they waited for the results.

"I don't know. I feel like I did okay," she shrugged, really nervous as she tried to wipe her sweaty palms on her jeans.

"I know, kid, but if you don't pass, then that's okay. We'll go home and study up, and you can retake it in a week," Jay explained, squeezing her shoulder.

"Kamryn?" A woman came out of the back room.

"Yeah, that's me," she nodded, standing up and walking up to the counter.

"You passed," she smiled, "so here is your permit, and we will take your picture over here. It'll take about ten days to get your card to you, so just make sure you always take the paper with you,"

Kamryn nodded and signed the paper and the machine before she sat down to have her picture taken.

Once that was all done, she and Jay got back in the truck and headed for home.

Jay stopped and got Kamryn's favorite dinner from the little pizza shop, and soon enough, they pulled into the driveway and went into the house.

"Mama! Mom!"

"What? What?" Hailey asked, coming out of the living room.

"I did it! I got my permit!"

"You did? Good job, honey!" She praised, hugging Kam tightly before they all ate at the table.

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