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August 17, 2011

The class headed back to their classroom and continued on their lesson for the day for a little longer. The teacher always gave them the last half hour of the day to play with some of the toys and have a little downtime before parents would show up and pick up their children.

Hailey and Jay met up outside the school, very ready to go see how their baby did during her first day of school. All of the kindergarten parents were allowed to sign out their children in the front office and then walk the short distance to the kindergarten wing to pick up their children.

"Do you think she cried?" Hailey asked, nervously walking down the sidewalk toward the school.

"I think she probably did a little but she seemed like she was having fun when we left," Jay told her, pulling the door open for Hailey as they both headed into the office.

"Hi there," The secretary smiled, "How can I help you?"

"We're picking up our daughter, Kamryn Halstead," Hailey told the woman, both of them having their IDs ready so the woman would let them through.

"Kindergarten?" She asked, making sure both IDs matched the name in their records.

"Yes," She nodded.

"Okay, perfect, you'll go down this hallway, take a right and her classroom is the first one on the left,"

"Thanks," They both said in unison before heading through the buzzing doors and down the hallway.

"I can't wait to see her," Hailey said, extremely ready to see their little one.

They went right to the room, looking in the little window at Kamryn stacking blocks with another little girl. She had a smile on her face and seemed happy but Hailey also saw her glance at the clock. Other parents started to file in, waiting with the group for the bell to ring.

"Is the little blonde your little one?" Another mother asked as she looked at Hailey and Jay.

"Yeah," Hailey smiled, glancing in the room at her daughter.

"Looks like we have a pair of little friends," She chuckled, "I'm Angela, This is my husband Jake and our little one is Charlotte,"

"I'm Hailey, this is Jay and our little girl is Kamryn," Hailey smiled, happy to hear the bell ring and the door open.

"Mommy!! Daddy!!" Kamryn yelled, rushing to her parents as Hailey kneeled down to hug her.

"I missed you!" She said as she lifted her up and held her on her hip. "Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah! It was so much fun! And I made a friend!" The 5-year-old grinned, moving to jay's arms so he could hug her.

"Yeah? What's her name?" She asked, remembering the other child she'd been playing with.

"Charlie!" She beamed, getting down and holding each of her parent's hands as they walked to both cars.

"Alright Kammy girl, daddy's car or mommy's car?" Jay asked, swinging her one last time before they got to the parking lot.

"I go in daddy's car!" She smiled, pointing to the impala that they still had.

"Alright, give mama kisses and we'll get going," He smiled, lifting her to Hailey's level so she could give her a quick kiss.

"I'll see you at home, sound good?" She asked, getting a nod from the 5-year-old girl.

"Love you, mommy!"

"Love you too baby girl," She smiled, getting in her car and heading home as Jay helped Kamryn buckle into her booster seat.

"Daddy, can we get ice cream?" Kamryn asked in the sweetest little voice.

"I'll make you a deal," He started, knowing he couldn't resist his daughter's little voice. The little girl had her father wrapped around his finger. "We can stop at the snack shack and we'll get ice cream but we have to get some for mommy and we have to eat it at home,"

"Okay!" She beamed, pointing to the driver's seat, "Let's go daddy!"

"Alright kiddo," He chuckled, shutting her door and getting in himself.

He drove to the Snack Shack ice cream shop and parked the car, taking Kamryn inside and helping her read the ice cream flavors as they waited for someone to come to the front. Kamryn had picked a chocolate chip cookie dough sundae with Oreo pieces added in while Jay and Hailey kept theirs pretty plain chocolate and strawberry ice cream.

"Ready to go give mama her ice cream?" He asked, setting it on top of the car so he could help her buckle in. Once she was ready to go, he got the ice cream in the passenger seat and headed home.

"Mommy we got ice cream!" Kamryn yelled as they got into the house.

"You did?" She asked, coming down the steps, "Did you get some for me?"

"Yeah!" She smiled, grabbing her hand and "pulling" her to the kitchen. jay already had the ice cream ready to go so they all sat at the dining room table and snacked on some of the cold snacks.

They spent all of the night together, helping Kamryn with her counting homework before she took a bath and they all sat in the living room and watched one of Kamryn's favorite princess movies.

Halfway through the movie, Kamryn was rubbing her eyes and she moved to Jay's lap to snuggle through the rest of the movie.

"Let's go get your teeth brushed and get in bed, Kam," Jay whispered, looking down at the sleeping child.

"I think she should just go to bed tonight, don't wake her up," Hailey smiled, moving pieces of her hair off her daughter's face as she was sound asleep on Jay's shoulder.

"I'll go put her in her bed," He whispered, carefully carrying Kamryn up the steps to her bedroom.


"Yeah, baby?" He asked, gently moving her covers to lay her down.

"I love you and mommy," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she heard him moving her blankets and stuffed animals.

"We love you too sweetie, more than you will ever know,"

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