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The surgery went completely fine, and Kamryn was in recovery after an hour. Her doctor had come out and updated Jay and Hailey, promising that a nurse would come and collect them after a little while.

As promised, the nurse came out another half an hour later and took them back to their little one, who was still sleeping and would be for a little longer.

"She did really well, the doctor said it went perfectly. He'll be in soon to talk to you guys about everything. If she wakes up, you can hold her, just watch out for the wires," the nurse, Jenna told them before heading out.

Hailey nodded and watched Kam for a little bit while the little girl woke up slightly.

"Hey baby girl," she whispered with a smile.

Kamryn just groaned and whined at her, wanting to be held by her or Jay.

"I know baby, but you did so good," Hailey praised as Jay gently lifted her out of the bed.

"You want some ice cream soon?" He asked, sitting in the chair with her on his lap as she got comfortable.

"Home Daddy," she mumbled and then coughed.

"We'll go soon honey, I promise," he told her, rocking her against him. He knew it was most likely the anesthesia wearing off that was making her more emotional than normal.

"You wanna go back to sleep, baby?" Hailey asked, grabbing her favorite blanket that they'd had in the bag.

"Home Mommy," she whined again, looking at her with tears threatening to spill.

"I know baby, we'll go home in a little while. They just want to make sure everything went okay after your surgery baby," Hailey sighed, hating how upset Kam was getting.

"Does your belly hurt?" Jay asked as he looked down at her.

"Home Daddy," she said as she started sobbing.

"Okay, baby. Okay," he sighed, patting her back again until she was sound asleep against him.

As soon as he knew she was really out, he put her back in her bed to sleep the rest of the anesthesia off.

"I didn't expect her to be that emotional," Hailey said after she threw Kamryn's favorite blanket over her. She knew it had the smell of home and Kamryn literally slept with it every night.

"I know. But it's mostly the anesthesia working its way out. Next time she wakes up, she'll be more normal," Jay told her, fixing a corner of the blanket by Kam's foot.

The doctor soon came in and sat with both parents next to the bed.

"So she did wonderfully. Just she'll be on some pain medication for the first few days and then just regular Tylenol or ibuprofen will do the trick. She'll probably have somewhat of a stuffy nose, and some drainage from the nose, which could be bloody so watch out for that. She may complain that her ears hurt, obviously a sore throat and maybe fever for a day or 2," he listed off. "I just want to keep her until she's awake and fully alert and then once she's able to tell me how she feels, I can let her go home,"

"Thank you," Hailey nodded.

The doctor nodded and left the 2 of them alone to wait with Kamryn. The nurse came in a few more times but let Kamryn sleep until she was ready to be up.

After another hour of napping off the anesthesia, before she was waking up again.

"Hey sweetie," Jay said as he saw her moving around and start to rub her eyes. "Don't use that hand baby,"

"Daddy my throat hurts," she whined, looking up at him with a pouty expression.

"I know baby, but it'll feel better soon. They're gonna give you some medicine and we can go home in a little while," he explained to her.

"Well good morning Kamryn," Jenna smiled as she came in with Hailey. "How are you feeling?"

"My throat hurts," she mumbled again, looking up at the woman in her green scrubs.

"Well, I can get you a popsicle. What flavor do you want?" She asked, checking a few of the monitors before she looked at the little one in the bed.

"Orange please?" She asked, looking at the nurse for an answer.

"I'll be right back with it, do you want it in a cup or on a popsicle stick?" She asked.

"On a popsicle stick?" Kam asked, looking at Jay and Hailey to make sure that was okay.

"Yeah, you can have it on a popsicle stick baby," Hailey nodded, smiling a little that she wanted to eat anything.

"I'll be right back," Jenna nodded, leaving for a minute before returning with an open popsicle and a cupcake liner to catch any that was dripping down the side.

"Well that's super smart," Hailey chuckled, watching as Kamryn started to slowly eat the popsicle. "How's it taste?"

"Okay," Kamryn shrugged, taking small bites of the frozen snack.

"How's it feel on your throat?" Jay asked, looking at their daughter.

"Okay," she shrugged again as the doctor came back in.

"Hi Kamryn," he smiled, sitting on the rolly stool that was in the room. "How's that popsicle?"

"Good," she told him, smiling a little.

"Can I look in your mouth?" He asked, getting a nod from the little one.

"Here let me have your popsicle," Jay said as Kamryn handed it over so the doctor could take a look.

Everything looked okay enough to send Kamryn home with her parents with some instructions to keep her on soft foods and keep her in bed for a few days. After a day or 2 of rest, she could do quiet playing activities like baby dolls or coloring, and then a week or 2 later, she could go back to playing normally.

Kamryn was very particular with eating as she didn't want it to hurt so they gave her some mashed potatoes in the hospital to make sure that was something she would eat.

Jay dropped Hailey and Kam off at home before going to the grocery store and getting all of the soft Mac and cheese and instant mashed potatoes that he could.

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