Bonus Chapter: No More Lies

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((Bonus Mini Chapter (Ladybug telling Chat the truth about her feelings)))

(2 Years Ago)

-POV Ladybug-

Things have been strained between me and Chat Noir. Ever since I realized how much I care about Chat Noir, how much I truly love him, and it has been throwing me off my game.

I've been losing my focus in battles because I'm getting distracted by him more easily. I've been slipping up more and more about sharing information about myself that I shouldn't, and I'm constantly terrified that he will learn my identity and try to end the world again...

 I don't know all the details that lead him to devolve into Chat Blanch, but from what I remember, I am pretty certain it has something to do with Hawkmoth and knowing my true identity. 

The attacks have been non-stop and I've been trying my best to avoid any alone time with Chat Noir to make sure I don't do anything stupid but it's getting harder to come up with excuses... I suddenly feel very nervous as I land silently on our rooftop.

He asked me to meet him at our spot,  'to talk', and I know he wants answers... He wants to know why I have been MIA lately and I'm not sure what to say to him. 

He's standing at the edge of the building, leaning on his staff, staring out at all of Paris, looking lost and confused. I clear my throat to let him know that I'm here, "Hi Chat, I'm sorry I am running late. I know you're probably tired of hearing my excuses so we can just skip that part of our conversation if you want and talk about which spot we should hit on patrol first tonight. I'm thinking we start at-"

He faces me looking conflicted but determined and cuts me off, "Did I do something wrong...? Something to offend you?" He picks up his staff and walks towards me. I am taken aback by his harsh tone and stumble back on my feet a couple of steps, "What? No of course not-" 

He continues walking towards me looking increasingly frustrated, "Because I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out what would make you hate me so much and I can't figure it out!" The hurt in his voice brings tears to my eyes and I can't think of an excuse or a reason to give him that won't be another lie...

I know I've been distant, but how could he possibly think that I hate him?! I feel the cold stone of a chimney press against my back and realize that I can't back up anymore.

He continues to get closer and closer as he speaks, "If you hate me so much that you can't even stand to be around me, then I don't want to me Chat Noir anymore! You should just take back my miraculous and find a replacement hero because I can't keep doing this-" 

He starts to take his ring off and I rush forward grabbing his hands and looking up at him. "No! Chat, please stop! I don't hate you-" He pulls away from me, tears pouring down his face.

Burying my face in my hands I'm trying to figure out what to say... What could I say that wouldn't make this worse?!

"If you don't hate me, then why are you avoiding me? Why run off every time we finish a battle? Why cancel patrol or only show up when I can't be there? Why are you treating me like you don't need me anymore?"

He steps forward again, gently pushing my hands away and cupping my face in his hands. His intense gaze is unwavering and feels as though he's looking down into my soul, searching for the truth behind my eyes...

This is exactly why I kept my distance, and why I never wanted to be alone with him or too close to him. "Please just tell me the truth." I'm completely frozen, caught between needing to protecting the world and my loyalty and love for my partner.

If I tell him, it won't just be me burying my feelings; He will have to live and fight alongside me, knowing our happiness is just out of reach. And you know, he might end up destroying the entire world like he did when he turned into Chat Blanc.

If I don't tell him, I'm going to lose him forever... "I-It's not because I hate you or because I don't trust you... We have to be careful and it's too dangerous right now! I'm making mistakes and losing focus and I-... I've stayed away because I fell in love with you..."

His eyes widen and his hands slowly lower from my face, his voice barely above a whisper, "W-what...?" Tears seem to pour down my face endlessly and my heart feels like it might burst in my chest, "Chat, I'm so sorry... I fell in love with you and the distance is all my fault. You didn't do anything wrong, I just can't manage my emotions and it's been throwing me off and I'm too distracted and afraid of what happened with-"

I stop myself knowing it would only hurt him to know about Chat Blanc. Just thinking about him like that sends ice through my veins and I can't imagine what is would do to him if he found out that we wiped out all life on earth...

"We can't be together with Hawkmoth still at large – it could have catastrophic consequences. It's too dangerous for us and our families and for the ones we love. I thought by keeping you at a distance it would be easier, that you might find a way to move on from your feelings for me and be happy, and that I wouldn't have the opportunity to mess things up or put everyone's lives at risk. I-I'm sorry that I hurt you, Chat. I never want to hurt you... I just- I didn't know what to do."

He was just standing there staring at me wide eyed, like I had been speaking a foreign language or like I might be playing some kind of cruel joke on him and he was waiting for the punchline. I'm about to pull away, to give him some time to process and think things over but as soon as I start to pull away, he wraps a hand around my waist pulling me back to him.

His other hand finding its way back to my cheek. He brings his lips down to mine and in that kiss is everything; everything we have ever wanted to say to one another, anything we've ever felt. It's longing, and frustration, and curiosity and so, so much love. All too soon, he breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against mine.

"M'Lady, I love you. I have loved you since the moment we met. We will find Hawkmoth and end this. I won't stop until we are free to be together. All I need is for you to be honest with me... I need you in my life, please don't push me away..." I nod still breathless and looking up at him. 

"Until he's gone, we need to keep our distance. We can't let him use our feelings for each other against us... And we can't know our true identities. But I promise no more lies and no more secrets." He sighs but nods and kisses my forehead before taking a step back. 

He looks out over Paris once again, this time looking more determined than lost, "I'm going to find Hawkmoth, Ladybug, wherever he is. We will stop him, I promise."

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