Chapter 9: Closing-Up

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(( Hi everyone!! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far :) Again, I wanted to give a trigger warning. This chapter does not have direct mentions of SA but it is alluded to. If you wish to skip, please don't read paragraphs 7-11)) 


(POV Gabriel Agreste)

"Nathalie, it's the perfect plan! As long as that Rossi girl does what is needed of her, we will not fail. Everyone Ladybug cares about will be there, there will be too many people in danger for her to try and save. She will have no choice but to do as I command. We will take their miraculous's and I will crush her out of existence." 

Nathalie nods picking up the pages that I have written, containing the creature that will ensure my victory. "Gabriel, what about Adrien? He will be there as well and will more than likely try to use his miraculous to help Ladybug." 

I smirk walking over to her and looking over her shoulder at the pages, "Once Lila uses the Pegasus miraculous to read my monster into creation, nothing will be able to stop us. Adrien won't be harmed, only immobilized. He will give up as soon as Ladybug surrenders and after that we use the miraculous's of creation and destruction to put things back the way they are supposed to be. Adrien won't remember that he was ever Chat Noir, he won't remember that he ever loved that girl, and she will never steal my son from me again."

Walking away from Nathalie, I flick open my phone and press the speed dial. Lila answers on the second ring, "Get here, now. We will discuss the plan and then we have a wedding to attend." 

I don't wait for her response, hanging up smirking. "This is it. This time, I will not fail..."

(POV Adrien)

This week has been the best week that I've had in a long time. Sales have skyrocketed at work despite the headlines about my father. I'm honestly feeling proud that his name hasn't been able to hurt my business in the slightest. 

I've built this company to last by promoting positivity, inclusivity, and togetherness around the world and not even the evil reputation of my father can tarnish what I've worked to create. Between success at work and my nightly patrols with Marinette... I've never been happier. 

Our patrols haven't been very successful in finding my father or anyone he is working with, but they have been bringing us lot closer to each other. After a few laps around the city, we've been laying on our rooftop talking all night long... she usually falls asleep cuddled up to me in the early morning hours, I wake her up and we say our goodbyes as the sun comes up. 

It's a nice little routine that we have going but I have to say that I am pretty exhausted and ready for this weekend. Spending the weekend relaxing and enjoying some peace with my girl and my best friend is exactly what I need.

As my car pulls up to the bakery, I open the door and step out walking up to the front door. The bell chimes as I walk in and I hear a crash from up the stairs followed by Marinette's panicked voice, "I'll be right with you!" I laugh and walk to the base of the staircase looking up. "It's just me Marinette! Do you need any help...?" 

The door at the top of the stairs opens and suitcase comes crashing down making me jump out of the way to avoid getting crushed. "No, I've got it!" Mari hurries down the stairs carrying a black zip-up dry-cleaning bag that I am assuming has her maid of honor dress in it and has a duffle bag slung over her shoulder. She hangs the dress on the staircase banister and tosses her bag over near the abused suitcase and before walking into my arms.

"Hi! Sorry about the projectile suitcase... I didn't realize how close it was to the stairs before I opened the door." She wraps her arms around me and stands on her tiptoes, giving me a quick kiss before pulling away and going over to the bakery counter. 

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