Bonus Chapter: Our Spot

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((( Hi readers! This is officially the last chapter for this story. Thank you so much for reading and commenting, it means the world to me that you guys enjoyed reading it. I plan to publish more original works soon, so keep an eye out if you like my style of writing! ))) 


(POV Adrien)

How is it possible that someone can sweat this much?! 

All I can hear is my heart beating loudly in my chest and the soft hum of an electric guitar in the background. 

I have fought thousands of villains, faced my father in court when I testified against him, and gone back to school to get a degree in something that I'm actually passionate in, and yet nothing has ever been as nerve wracking or as exciting as this moment. 

I can literally feel the sweat sliding down my back and we are outside in the middle of December, standing in snow! Come on man, pull it together!

I watch as one by one; Marinette's friends make their way up through the hatch door in the roof top and down the aisle. Mari and I had chosen our rooftop - our spot - for the wedding because of how special it was to us. 

This is where we truly became partners, where Master Fu lost his memories, where Marinette became the gradian, where we said 'I love you' for the first time to each other, and where we found strength and hope in each other countless times... There is no other place that would feel as special as this one... Plus is has a killer view of the Eiffel Tower!

As the last bridesmaid finally makes their way to the end, Jagged – who Marinette insisted play the ceremony - changes the song to 'I won't hold you back'. As soon as I hear the start of our song, I'm fighting back tears. 

Nino and Alya make their way down the aisle holding their one-year-old baby girl, who is giggling and aggressively throwing flower petals around. Nino hands her off to Alya and then takes his place next to me.

He squeezes my shoulder briefly and whispers, "don't forget to breathe man..." I almost don't hear him at all because in that moment Marinette's parents make their way up to the roof top, her father looking as strong and as healthy as ever, and her mother beautiful and already in tears. 

I watch as they reach down and help Marinette climb up. Each take one of her hands, pulling her up through the door before starting to leading her towards me. Maybe having our wedding on a 20-story high building wasn't the best idea because as soon as I see her, I feel faint.

She looks absolutely radiant... Her long hair is in lose curls and is peppered in tiny white snowflakes. Her dress is a soft blush color with a layered skirt that glistens as she walks. It has a plunging neckline with illusion lace and beading all along the top of it. 

You can see how much detail and time she put into the design... She looks amazing and seeing that smile on her face destroys every ounce of resolve I have. Tears are now pouring down my face and my cheeks are hurting from smiling too hard but all I can focus on is Mari...

Marinette's dad kisses her cheek as they reach me and pulls me into a hug. I can honestly say the Dupain-Cheng's have embraced me as part of their family in every way. While I was getting my culinary degree, I basically ran the bakery so that Mari could finish her degree in fashion and so that she could start working alongside Nathalie. 

Once Mr. Dupain-Cheng was in recovery and able to come back home, both of Marinette's parents helped to teach me basically everything I know about food and about running the business. We all became one big family and I have never felt so happy. 

Marinette's mom smiles and hugs me quickly before they sit, and I take Marinette's hands in mine. "M'lady..." She smiles up at me through her tears, "Hi, Kitty..."


Ladybug and Chat Noir: Our Spot (Miraculous)Where stories live. Discover now