Bonus Chapter: Plagg & Adrien are Reunited

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(( Hiiiiii! This is just a short and sweet chapter that I wanted to include... I hope you guys like it! )) 


(POV Adrien)

Walking into my room, I shut the door behind me while juggling a large cheese tray in my hands. I quickly make my way over to my desk, set the tray down, and taking out my miraculous. I'm feeling pretty nervous and guilty if I'm being honest. I never really got to explain to Plagg all those years ago why I was leaving, and I know that must've hurt him... 

I've missed him and am excited to be reunited with my Kwami but I have a feeling he is going to me a little pissed off at me. I sit in the chair at my desk and try to shake the nerves off as I slip the ring on my finger.

Plagg appears in front of me, "Finally! Marinette if you would just consider giving Tiki a break, you and I would make a great team-" Plagg stops when he realizes I'm not Mari. 

He just floats there looking shocked then crosses his arms and faces away from me. "Oh, look who finally comes crawling back..." I sigh and rub the back of my neck. 

"Plagg... I know that no apology will make up for how I left things, but I am truly sorry that I left you. Everything that night just happened so fast... I didn't know how to cope so I just left but that was wrong. I let everyone down including you." 

Plagg turns to me and slumps his shoulders looking genuinely hurt, "Adrian you didn't even say goodbye... You just gave me away and forgot all about me." I reach my hand forward letting him land in my palm, guilt washing over me once again. 

"Marinette tried her best to tell me what happened, but I've sat in that miracle box for the last five years wondering what I did wrong and how it was so easy for you to give me up... You were more than a holder to me Adrien, you were my friend. It hurt to see that I was so easily removed from your life..."

"Plagg, please believe me when I say that it wasn't easy for me to lose you. I was in a bad place, and I had to walk away from everything so that I could try to move on and away from the pain I was in. I ran away, like a coward, and I'm so sorry I hurt you and everyone else that I care about... You are not just my Kwami, Plagg, you are a part of me and one of my truest friends and I want to make it up to you." 

Plagg huffs thinking over everything I've said, "You know, not only did you completely abandon me, but you took away the love of my life... I haven't tasted my delicious camembert since the day you left me. Ladybug only has bottom tear cheese, and once you've had the best, nothing else can compare. Oh, how I've longed for her smelly gooey-ness..." 

I laugh a little and set him on the desk, sliding the large tray over to him watching as his eyes grow wide and he flies to the large wedges of cheese. 

He wraps his little arms around a hunk of camembert and inhales deeply. "Oh, my love! How I have missed your fragrant aroma!" He takes a large bite of the cheese and looks up at me and talks with his mouth full.

"Don't think that this means that I forgive you. You've got a lot of apologizing to do..." he swallows and gives me a small smile, "but I must say that this is a way good start making it up to me."

I laugh and nod happy to have my friend back, but knowing the sheer about of cheese I'll need to buy will raise some questioning looks from Nathalie. 

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