Chapter 4: Masquerade (part 2)

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A/N: A lot happens in this chapter.. I apologize in advance for any and all emotional stress :) To make up for it, I've also posted another bonus chapter after this one! Hope you like them!


(POV Hawkmoth)

It can't be true... 

Blood has started pooling around my son, and he's lying on the floor unconscious and lifeless. Ladybug is quickly joined by Adrien's side by Nino Lahiffe and they are trying to hold pressure to Adrien's gaping wound.  

Another of my son's classmates, Alya Césaire, is pacing back and forth on the phone calling for an ambulance. I look down at my heir, my true muse, my son. I will NOT lose him like I lost his mother; I can't. I won't stop until I fix this and safe my family.

I lunge at Ladybug, trying with everything I have, to rip those damn earring off out of her ears. "Give them to me you stupid, selfish girl!" She throws me off of her and into Mayura. As I pull myself up off the ground I turn to my partner, "Mayura, we must not fail. YOU must not fail me." 

She looks determined and ready for battle. The awkuma seems to be making her numb to the damage she just inflicted on my poor child. "Don't worry Hawkmoth, I know exactly what I must do." I look back to Ladybug but, to my annoyance, I find her calling on her lucky charm powers. 

I laugh at first seeing as she's gotten a couple handfuls of medical gauze – but my laughter stops when I realize that instead of trying to defeat me with her charm, she hands the gauze to Nino so that he can use it to help pack Adrien's wounds.

"Ladybug, we are on the same side, you and me. We don't need to battle, we can work together to safe Adrien Agreste. Combining the miraculous's of creation and destruction will allow me to change what has happened! We can save his life and put things back the way they should've been all along! Join forces with me!" 

Ladybug hesitates, looking over at Adrien, then shakes her head and brings her gaze back up to mine, "No, Hawkmoth. Using the miraculous for self-serving purposes is wrong and it will ALWAYS come with a price. The right thing to do is to get Adrien to a hospital so he can get the medical attention he needs. I am asking you to please, surrender so that we can save his life." I hesitate for a moment weighing my options.

Suddenly Mayura uses her fan blades to blast Ladybug back and into the wall behind her. Instead of slamming into the wall, Ladybug lands her feet against it and launches herself forward taking Mayura down. 

I watch as Ladybug smashes the tablet releasing my Awkuma. Mayura, suprised and bewildered, doesn't even fight back as Ladybug snatches the peakcock miraculous off of her chest. "NO!" 

My protest falls on deaf ears as she pulls herself up and captures the awkuma in her yoyo and turns to Nathalie. I rush forward to protect her but stop, seeing Ladybug help her up.

"Mam, are you alright?" Nathalie stands up, wobbling. The overuse of power obviously taking its toll on her. "W-what happened?" Ladybug helps her sit on the steps behind them, "You where awkumatized and given miraculous's by Hawkmoth – he was using you to try and get mine and Chat Noir's miraculous's. You are going to need medical attention. Utilizing so much power at once can take a lot out of you. Please wait here, an ambulance is on its way..." 

Ladybug takes the dog miraculous off of Nathalie's neck and Chat Noir's ring off of her finger and stands back to see the face behind the mask. She stumbles back, shocked when she realizes it is Nathalie. 

Looking around the room, I take it all in. My weakened partner, my injured son, my home in shambles... I know that I am defeated. 

I try and make my escape out of a window while everyone is distracted, but as I go to leap out into the night I feel my leg being ripped out from under me and I hit the marble floor.

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