Chapter 10: I Love You

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((( Hi everyone!! Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!! Thank you to commenters! I LOVEE getting comments and hearing your feedback! 

****SMUT WARNING***** This chapter contains adult themes... if you wish to skip this chapter that is totally understandable and wont impact your understanding of the rest of the story! )))

(POV Marinette)

As soon as we arrived, I am stolen away from Adrien by my best friend. Alya runs up to me scooping me up in a big hug, "You're here! Hi Adrien. Sorry but I have to borrow her for maid of honor things!" 

She grabs my hand and drags me away and upstairs leaving Nino and Adrien behind. We make it to her room; I can tell it's her room because of all of the crazy organization - every possible wedding detail is planned out in a chaotic sticky-note tornado around her room.

"Okay, I'm ready! What maid of honor duty do you need finished first!?" I turn to her, ready for anything but instead she laughs and shakes her head. 

"Marinette, I don't really have anything for you to do... I just want the details about you and Adrien! I've been dying to know what's going on." We plop down on her bed and kick our shoes off as I dive right in, telling her every part of what's happened over the last couple of weeks. I don't keep any secrets from Alya, so she basically knows everything about me and my life.

"Wow, Marinette, that's a whole lot of change in only a couple of weeks... I am obviously so excited for you but how are you feeling, about it all?" I throw myself back, lying flat on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. 

"Being honest... I feel like I should be overwhelmed and exhausted or worried about letting my guard down, but I just feel so... happy." I sit up again looking at her with a big grin on my face and pink cheeks, "I'm falling in love with him Alya, and I am just so excited and happy. I feel alive again! I actually get excited to get out of bed in the morning now, because I know I'll get to see him."

Ayla lets out a content sigh and lays back folding her hands behind her head, "Finally after all these years my hard work is paying off and you two are ending up together." I laugh and toss a pillow at her, "Yes, thank you all powerful match maker for your unwavering support." I make little sarcastic bowing motions to her, and she kicks her foot out shoving me off of the bed.

"Just saying, your reunion IS because of MY wedding." We laugh and joke around some more and then start talking about her wedding and how she's so excited to marry the love of her life tomorrow. By the time I look at the clock it's about 11:30pm. 

"Okay, bride to be, I'm going to leave you to get your beauty rest, but I'll be back first thing in the morning. Do you know where my room is?" Ayla looks at the clock and starts dancing around excitedly. "I'm getting married tomorrow! Your room is five rooms down the hall from here. Marinette please don't be late. The other girls will be here around 8:00am to get ready." 

I laugh and make my way to the door while she's still dancing around, "I promise I won't be late! Try to get some rest tonight!" I laugh again as I close the door behind me.

I start counting the doors as I go down the hallway until I reach the fifth door. Walking in I was expecting to find my luggage, but instead I walk in to find Adrien. A dripping wet Adrien, wrapped in nothing but a towel and using a smaller towel to dry his messy hair... 

He immediately notices me as I walk in because of the loud creaking sound that the heavy door makes, and I feel my face instantly blush bright red. He smirks when he notices my embarrassment and tosses the towel that he was using on his hair, onto the bed next to him. "M'Lady..."

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