Chapter 6: Stay With Me

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((Hi Everyone! Hope you like this new chapter! It's a little long since I have updated in a while :) My personal life has been a little crazy, but I should be updating regularly from now on!)) 

(POV Marinette)

I drop down from the hatch on the roof landing in my bed and huff. What or who could've caused that thing to just appear and disappear so easily...? There must be a new miraculous at play in Paris... "Tiki, spots off..." 

As soon as I de-transform I remove the jacket from my abdomen and lift my shirt looking at the angry red scar. "Marinette, you need to start being more careful! You could've been hurt much worse or you could have even been killed!" I sigh, not wanting to hear another lecture. 

I sit up and make my way down from my bed and quickly change into sweatpants and an oversized shirt, pulling my hair into a single long ponytail "Marinette!? Where are you going now??" 

I kick off my, now bloodstained, white vans and pull on an old pair of all black converse. "I need to reopen the bakery Tiki and finish up that order for the gala."

Rushing downstairs, I make it to the door just in time to see Adrien reaching for the handle on the other side of the glass. We both pause staring at each other for a moment, but I break eye contact, unlock the door, and open it for him. 

"Adrien Agreste..." I say stupidly. "You didn't have to come all the way down here... I would've been happy to confirm your order over the phone-" I stop mid-sentence because he wraps me in a bear hug. I feel awkward and quickly wiggle free, pushing him back to create some distance.

"Marinette I was so worried about you! Are you alright?!" He's actually very concerned... I'm not sure why though, since we haven't spoken since he left Paris... "I'm fine, really. All good!" I step to the side and motion for him to come inside, "Since you're here, I guess we should just go ahead and review that final order list."

Quickly making my way behind the counter I pull out his order while he takes a seat at one of the tables. He keeps his eyes locked on me with a questioning expression as I make my way over and sit across the table from him. Finally meeting his eyes, I hand him the order paper as I take my seat. 

After a long and awkward pause, he sighs and puts the page down on the table. "Okay, before we get into the stupid order... I need to ask you something, Marinette. It's been bothering me ever since I was read the letter you wrote me when I left. I don't understand... I know I hurt you by leaving but why did you cut off all communication?? Why did we stop being friends?" 

For half a second I'm caught off guard but I quickly recover and scoff and shrug, "I don't know Adrien. Friends grow apart all the time-" He reaches forward and takes my hand, "Mari I'm serious, please don't give me some half assed excuse. I just want the truth... I thought you finding out that I was Chat Noir would only strengthen our friendship, since you knew both sides of me, but you completely shut me out... What happened?"

I squirm in my chair, once again feeling uncomfortable and not sure what to say. I can't tell him that he ripped my heart out because, well he didn't. He did that to Ladybug... I guess a half-truth would at least get him to stop asking questions... 

I break eye contact and look down at the table, "I had to let you go... to move on and focus on my family and my future. I had difficult things to deal with and I couldn't do that while I was still worried about you. I knew you needed to get away and make your own path without any past influences, but I couldn't hold on knowing I was part of your pain..." I glance at our hands, still clasped together on the table and realize I am gripping onto him, like he might suddenly get ripped away from me... 

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