Chapter 15

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"It's not!" I say as I ate a slice of pizza. 

"This reunion is great and all, but we have bigger problems to deal with," Miya says as he was still gaming. 

"What conflicts?" Sasha asks me. 

"Aino is here. These two baka's challenged him," I say in Japanese as looked at Reki and Langa who gave us an oopsie smile.

"Bro! You two are hella dumb!" Sasha says, facepalming. "I never knew you're brother would go that far."

"He talked shit about C. What else do you want us to do," Reki says. 

"Fire kid has a point," Sasha says. 

"The name is Reki," Reki mutters. 

"Come on, if he gets hurt...I am the one who will be feeling bad," I say, eating another slice. 

"Well, the kid has done what he has done. There is no going back, so why not just help him out?" Joe asks. 

"That seems about right," Kaoru says. "Besides, he did it for you, Carla."

"Mmmmm," I say, staring at the pizza. "Well, let's start after we are done eating." 

"Okay," Everyone says and we dug into the pizza. I still thought about Aino and his skills. I know for a fact Reki was going to get wounded. 

"Oh, right!" Sasha says out of nowhere and whispers in my ear. "Our other besties are coming over too! We are probably going to meet in the island off the coast of Okinawa. You down to go?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen them in a while," I say, and Sasha giggles. 

"They miss you alright!" Sasha says. 

"Yeah, I'm definitely coming," I say. "It's just the squad, right?"

"Yeah," Sasha says. 

"Carla, where are you going?" Kaoru asks. 

"I was hoping if I could go with Sasha with some friends just to hang out since we havem't hung out in a while," I say. 

"Who and when?" Kaoru and Langa ask at the same time. 

"Are they males?" Kaoru asks. 

"We are going probably next next Tuesday to Thursday," Sasha says. "And four males."

"Nope," Kaoru and Langa say. 

"Come on! Langa, it's only Aaron, Florent, Angelo, Duri," Sasha whines. 

"Angelo hits on my Neh-chan. Aaron and Florent are so touchy. Lastly, Duri is just a creep in general," Langa says. 

"Aw, fuck yall! Can girls not have some fun?" Sasha whines. 

"Wait, who said you were in charge of me, Langa? And Kaoru, we aren't even dating yet too. I told you, I won't get feelings for anyone else," I say. 

"It's not even that. I don't want someone hitting or touching my girl...especially if there is some creep there," Kaoru says.

"Please," I say. 

"No means no. Besides, I'm not taking care of this nightmare on my own," Kaoru says and Miya rolled his eyes. 

"Fine," I mutter. I went on my phone and texted Sasha in secret. 

Me: Don't worry, I will think of something soon. I promise I will come with you. I just need these people to go somewhere know? 

Sasha: Alright, girl. 

Soon, we got back to help Reki out, so he could win against Aino. Not gonna lie, but Miya had some excellent feedback to give him. We went out so they could skate and we could see how he could skate and some improvements he could make. When it got dark we all separated to go home. Langa came with us since I needed to get Miya's new bed from my house anyways. I knocked on the door and mama opened it. 

"Carla, you came to visit?!" Mama says, hugging me. 

"Kinda mama, you see...," I say as I started to explain everything about how we adopted Miya. 

"So you're saying this fine young man will be my son-in-law?" Mama asks with a smirk. 

"You could say that," I mutter as I hid my face. Kaoru's face lit up with a grin. "Anyways, this is your grandson." I pull Miya and take his game away as I told him to talk to his grandmother. 

"I like the kid but I still consider you make one too," Mama says, leading us inside. 

"We will do that after she gets her expressions back," Kaoru says. 

"But grandma, I want to be the only child!" Miya whines.

"I, Kaoru, and Miya will get your bed downstairs, you and mama talk," Langa says and I nod as the 3 boys go upstairs. 

"Mama, Langa, and Kaoru won't let me go hang out with my friends. They are visiting from Canada to see us. I met Sasha today and since my friends are guys they won't let me go with Sasha. Help me out here," I say. 

"You're brother acts like the older brother than you do," Mama says, laughing. "I can think of something...I'll call you and tell you about it, ok?" I nod and kiss her on the cheek.

"We got the bed," Langa yells from upstairs and gets it down while Miya just watched them. We said our goodbyes to my mama and Langa and took a truck to take the bed home. When we arrived we cleaned out Miya's room and put his clothes and bed in the room. 

"Now, Miya....don't even think about coming into mine and Carla's room," Kaoru says. 

"I'll think about it," Miya says, jumping onto his bed. "Wow, it's pretty comfy."

"You're welcome," I say and went to the kitchen to make dinner. After dinner was made I gave it to them who ate. Of course, Kaoru started to feed me and when we were done, it was Miya's time to clean the dishes. I and Kaoru went to the bedroom and we cuddled. 

"I see you're starting to accept that you like me," Kaoru says. 

"Mhm..., I feel like I'm starting to feel better," I say, burying my face into his chest. 

"Okay, lovebirds. I finished doing the dishes," Miya says, putting his hand out. I gave him money and he went to his room with a smile. 

"REMEMBER! I WANT TO BE THE ONLY CHILD!" He yells from his room. 

"MIYA, WE AREN'T EVEN DOING IT....YET!" Kaoru yells. 

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