Chapter 50

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"Well, I don't mind her," Kaoru says, putting his hands around me. I look down at him as he stares at my stomach. 

"Already assumed it's sex?" I ask, laughing. 

"Yeah...a female in our family would be nice," Kaoru says, shrugging. I helped Kaoru onto the bed and put my hands on my hips. 

"I'm down for another boy," I say simply. 

"Isn't Miya enough?" Kaoru asks teasingly as I turn off the lights and slide in with him. 

"Nope, but I guess a sister for Miya would be good. He would learn to be protective and responsible," I say. "And I do need another person to dress up and take shopping."

"My mazuma," Kaoru whines. "Maybe a boy would be nice in the family, a more sensible one."

"Either one it is, I will be happy," I say. 

"Same with me, love," He says. Kaoru puts his hands around me, and I turn to face him with a soft smile. He couldn't see it, but I couldn't help it. I moved closer and hugged him slowly, making sure not to harm him in any way. 


For the next few days, as a family, we were able to bond. Kaoru still insisted on going to work. Since his work mainly needs of his hands, he went. Joe would drive him to every morning to work, while I was forced to rest at home.

 Kaoru wouldn't let me out of the house. Only people had visited me, but I wasn't allowed to move much. I would sneak out, but Kaoru programmed his stupid Carla (not me, his assistant) to watch me 24/7. It was painful. If I didn't finish my food, it would notify Kaoru. A person could only eat so much. 

Friday 5:00 pm

I was at home watching TV when I heard a voice starting to speak. 

Time to eat your pills. Please take them in front of the camera

"UGhhhh," I whine out loud. Those pills dissolve right when I put water on them and they taste like crap. 

"Please, Carla...can I not just take it today," I whine.

Your concern will be reported to Kaoru Sakuraya-,

"Nevermind, I will take them," I say. I go up the camera with two pills, put them in my mouth, quickly take a sip of water, and swallow it as fast as I can. 

"Wow, papa's robot does work on you. It's hilarious," Miya says, teasing me. 

"You want to try eating these pills? It taste like shit," I whine. 

"Well, it is for your good and your baby's good," Kaoru says, rolling in too.

"Whoever you are in my stomach. You're being a pain in the ass even before coming out," I say, looking down at my stomach. 

"Eww, they actually smell like shit," Miya says, sniffing the bottle.

"Language, Youngman!" Kaoru says, glaring at Miya. 

 "Whatever, I'm going to eat some ice cream," Miya scoffs and goes to the refrigerator.

"Yare for today's race?" Kaoru asks me while he looks up. 

"No," I say. "I'm horrified! Who knows what Adam is going to do to Langa? Who knows what he will do if he finds out I am pregnant and YOU'RE the father!!!" 

"Overthinking isn't good for you," Kaoru says. 

"MAMA!!!!!!!!!" I heard yelling from the kitchen. "How come both tubs of ice cream are empty? We literally just got them yesterday night and I had to beg papa too!"

"Your sibling was hungry," I say, looking away embarrassed. 

"Love, you orally consumed two tubs of frozen dihydrogen monoxide cream! That isn't good for you!" Kaoru asks surprised. 

"I was craving something sweet," I whine. 

"That ice cream was for me!" Miya whines at me. 

"Hey, there is no mine in the family. Sharing is caring," I huff. 

"Well, you didn't care enough to leave some for me," Miya stomps. 

"Say, how about we get ice cream on our way to the skating rally! I could really use a ice cream sunday!" I say, clapping my hands eagerly at the two boys. 

"I'm getting ice cream, not you! You had literally two buckets!" Miya says surprised. I look over at Kaoru and Miya looks at him too. Kaoru gulps and sighs as he looks over at me. 

"That kid did a plethora of imploring so it is only fair, my profound appreciation. I cannot get you more frozen dihydrogen monoxide cream. You had an extravagant amount of today. So, only frozen dihydrogen monoxide cream for Miya," Kaoru says with maturity. My eyes widened as Miya stuck his tongue out at me. 

"HA! Suck on that, old lady!" Miya says, putting the L on my face. I kept staring at Kaoru and tears slowly filled my eyes up and I sniffle. 

"Y-You don't love me!" I say, crying out hard. Both Kaoru and Miya were surprised by my actions as they stares up at me. 

"Hey, hey, love. It's not like that. I'm looking out for you!" Kaoru says. 

"I'M RUNNING AWAY!" I yell in anger. I storm out of the house and I heard from behind. 

"Go chase your love, baka!" I heard Miya's voice say. 

"Are you dumb, my legs are not working!" Kaoru yells. "Go chase you're mother."

When I heard that, I started to make a slight job all the way to Sasha's and Joe's. I stormed in and saw Joe wrapping his hands around Sasha. Sasha quickly got off Joe and ran to me. 

"Why you crying, girl?" She asks me. 

"K-Kaoru doesn't l-love me anymore," I cry out loud. Joe looks surprised and looks at Sasha. Sasha signals Joe to leave and he leaves the house with his car. I think he went to pick up Kaoru. 

"Meet us at the rally," Sasha says and gives me a helmet. "Girl, did he cheat on you?" 

"N-No, he abused me mentally," I say, crying hard. "He says, he doesn't love me. Sasha got angry and we made our way to the rally on her motorcycle. She made sure to go slow for me. When we got there, 5 minutes later Kaoru and Miya came. 

"My girl, said you hurt her," Sasha says, crossing her arms and glaring at Kaoru. 

"All I said was she couldn't have more ice cream 'cause she had tub whole buckets," Kaoru says. 

"You said I couldn't have more ice cream. That means the same thing that you don't love me!" I whine. 

"Oh god, she is having it," Sasha sighs. 

"Huh?" Joe says, totally lost.

"Pregnancy mood swings. She gets emotional very easily, now," Sasha explains. 

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