Chapter 24

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Soon, we were at no sight of our squad and pulled out our tickets. We showed it and got into the Airplane as we sat together. Sasha took the window seat and I took the middle seat. I was kind of worried for them. I hope not a lot happens when I am gone. I already have so much in my brain that I am still trying to process. Langa and Reki are dating, Langa is versing Aino, Miya has a crush, my feelings are starting to get better, and Sasha has a crush. I'm not saying all of this is bad, it's just hard to process them all at once. 

I leaned onto Sasha's shoulder and put my earbuds in. I blasted some music and closed my eyes. Luckily, I had some songs downloaded, or else, I would have been bored the whole time. Sasha put her head on top of my head and fell asleep. 

"Mmmmmmm," I hum under my breath as I imagine some scenarios in my head. I held on to Sasha's arm and soon fell asleep. 

A while later

"Psst, wake up. We arrived," Sasha whispers. I slowly open my eyes and yawn. I then stretch out and take my seatbelt off. 

"Who's picking us up?" I ask her. 

"Angelo and Aaron said they were coming," Sasha says, getting the bags. I help her out and we went out of the plane. We then, waited for our luggage to arrive and took it to where we were supposed to meet Aaron and Angelo. We looked around to find where they were. 

"I bet they are running late. God, sometimes I hate these boys," Sasha says, rolling her eyes. 

"AYO! CC! SASH! HERE!" I heard a yell. Funny, that is what Aaron would call both of me and Sasha. The two of us turned to see Aaron waving both his hands to get our attention. 

"What's good!" I say, punching Aaron and Angelo on the shoulder. 

"You, love," Angelo teases as he holds up my chin. 

"You better stop with your flirting Angie, our girl C has a fiance," Sasha says. 

"You what?! Is it like an arranged marriage?" Aaron asks, resting his hand on Sasha. 

"Nah, I'll explain everything on the car ride," Sasha says. 

"It's not even official yet," I tell Sasha. "Kaoru and I aren't finances. We are just in the middle of being friends and lovers."

"Yeah, same thing," Sasha says, rolling her eyes once again. The four of us went into the car and Angelo began driving. I sat in the back with Aaron and Sasha sat in the front. I leaned onto Aaron and took out my phone to text Kaoru. 

"Who you texting?" Aaron asks in curiosity.

"Probably her finance," Sasha snorts. 

"Actually yes, I am texting Kaoru but for the last time, he isn't my finance," I huff out. 


Me: Hey, I and Sasha finally reached.

Kaoru immediately texted back as if he was waiting for me to text him.

Kaoru: Great, love! Did someone pick you up or did you guys get a taxi?

I wanted to lie to Kaoru because I didn't want him to be upset that I am hanging out with other boys. But, if he finds out on his own, he will definitely think I am cheating on him. Our relationship wouldn't be well...WAIT, we aren't even in a relationship, why thinking this. My friendship relationship with Kaoru. Ah, that sounds better.

Me: Yeah, some friends picked us up. 

Kaoru: Friends as in? You know what, facetime now, love.

Kaoru requested a facetime and I looked over at Sasha. 

"Kaoru wants a facetime call," I say. I quickly move away from Aaron and he looked confused. I accepted the call.

"Hey, Kaoru! Hey, Miya," I say, blandly. 

"Hey, mama! Father hasn't been acting the best with me lately. He grounded me already!" Miya complains. 

"Your son here was playing video games all night instead of sleeping him. As his responsible guardian, I did that!" Kaoru shoots back. 

"What the hell? Did you and your lover dude already make babies? I'm so hella confused," Angelo snorts. 

"Here, let me tell you the story," Sasha says, laughing. 

"So, you are with Angelo, huh?!" Langa says, coming in from the back, pouting. 

"Who else was supposed to pick me and Sasha up?" I ask him. 

"You could have asked Aunty Uminara," Langa says, shrugging. 

"Aunty Uminara isn't even that close with us and besides, she hates Sasha's guts," I say.

"Whatever, as long as they don't go touchy with you. You should be glad that at least I let Kaoru touch you," Langa mutters.

"You got your brother's approval on this guy too!" Aaron says, coming closer to me and popping his head into my phone. 

"Long time no See Langs!" Aaron says, holding up the peace sign. 

"Not long enough, Aaron," Langa mutters. "I say keep your hands off my sister."

"I mean, she got herself someone, so I guess we are going to have to step back," Aaron says, shrugging. Langa sighs in relief. 

"Good!" Langa says, passing the phone back to Kaoru. 

"So, you'll call me again at night?" Kaoru asks me. 

"Promise," I say. "Besides, I would like to know what happens when I am not around," I say. Kaoru chuckles and smiles. 

"Okay, well have fun. Tell me more later?" Kaoru says and I nod. 

"He seems like a chill guy," Angelo says, driving. 

"Totally," Sasha and I say at the same time. 

"Now, Sasha, spill the Wattpad story of this Kaoru dude and CC," Aaron says. 

"It isn't a Wattpad story," I huff out once more. Sasha began to explain. I put my earbuds in because I don't need to hear someone resay my life ever since I moved to Japan. I looked out the window. It's been a while since I've been to Canada. I miss many memories I made with my friends, my family, father. 

I remember when he would teach me tricks on the mountain. I loved it and when Langa was born, I would boss him around and teach him. Only things were the same still. 

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