Chapter 39

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"Wedding?" I say, looking at her in confusion.

"Yeah," My mama says like it is the most obvious thing in the world. "You're back to being you and it's perfect for you and Sakurayashiki-kun, my son-in-law to get married."

"What in the world is kun? I've been hearing people calling me. Like, Joe sometimes says chan after my name, and during work with Kaoru, they use san, and chan to me, and kun to Kaoru. What am I missing out on?" I break out, speaking in English.

"Ara maa, maybe I should have raised you in Japan," My mama says annoyed. "Miya, why don't you teach your mama." Miya rolls his eyes as he explains the use of chan, kun, and san. I slowly understood and went back to my mom.

"So, since Sasha is younger than me, I would call her Sasha-chan?" I ask Miya. He simply nods at my statement. "And when I meet someone I barely know, I use san?"

"Yeah, now leave me alone," Miya whines in Japanese as he goes back to his game. I roll my eyes and look back at mama.

"Back to the topic. Mama, your son-in-law, hasn't even taken me on a date yet. He is laying in the hospital because he got into a tiny accident," I say as I explain the scenario that happened during the race between him and Adam.

"Oh my, why do these weird events happen in your life?" Mama asks me.

"I don't know. It's not like some random Wattpad writer is writing a story about my life being surprises and yet won't give me a kiss scene! I mean which idiot would make a fanfiction without a kiss scene after this long of my life?" I say fast and angrily as if I was in a story.

"Now, someone seems angry that they haven't kissed their lover yet," my mama says, laughing. I explained to her with anger how whenever I went to kiss Kaoru, something or someone always gets in the way. She started to laugh and started talking about how she was still going to plan a wedding.

"I mean if you are that bored, sure," I say, chuckling. I literally have the best mama in the world. I can talk to her as if I was talking to my friends and she would understand any slang I used or anything I say. That is the type of mom I want to be for Miya. I want him to be comfortable with me like I am his friend and that is working out pretty well, except when it comes to his crush. I guess that is the type of person he is. After a while, as my mama and I kept talking, I heard the knob of the front door twisting. I look around and saw Langa coming in and he spotted me. He ran up to me and flung his hands around me.

"I swear! I didn't mean anything I said that day. I-I was angry an-and jealous! P-Please N-neh-," I didn't let him finish. I put my hand on his head and pushed his head down, making him stand on his knees and I wrapped my hands around his neck.

"Gee, stop growing will you? It's hard to act like a new-chan," I say, pouting.

"N-Neh-chan?" He looks up at me in surprise and I shot him a big warm smile. "But h-how?"

"You heard of Kaoru's accident, right?" I ask him. Langa nods his head and I took a big breath. "That's why. I broke out of it."

"I heard that you even versed Adam, so they are all true?" He asks.

"Every bit of it!" I say. Langa broke into tears and blurted how he felt really bad about how spoke to me again. I took his hand to make him stand up and I cupped his face.

"Listen, Langa," I start off. "It was my fault. My first job is to take care of you. You're my baby brother and now I realize how lonely you have been lately because of all that has been going on. I was selfish to think about me getting better, that I forgot all about you. I swear, I won't do that anymore because all my focus is now is you and Miya."

"And your husband," Mama adds in.

"And Kaoru. Don't worry, Kaoru will mostly take care of Miya. He really knows how to deal with kids like Miya. While that, I will be all your problem," I say, chuckling.

"It's really nice to see back to normal," Langa says, hugging me again. I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and Miya watched us.

"Jealous?" I ask Miya as he watched.

"N-Nah ah! That's just cheesy and gross," May says, turning away and making a barf face.

"Awww, come here you kitty," I say and I speed walked to him as he tried to run away. I held on to Miya before he could escape and kissed him on his forehead.

"Eww, Ma!" Miya says, rubbing his forehead. I started to laugh as Langa wiped his tears and laughed with us. Soon, mama made us dinner as Langa, Miya, and I played some board games.

"I forgot to ask!" I say as Langa rolls the dice. "Langa, did you and Reki make up?" Langa looked down with a smile.

"A lot happened that day," Langa says.

"Spill," Miya and I say together.

"Well, as I was chasing Reki, Kanao came in my way and Reki saw that. Kanao confessed that she had feelings for me and reached in to kiss me and I couldn't turn away because she was holding on to my face. Reki saw that but I quickly pushed her off and told her that I liked Reki and thought of her as a friend. For the first time, I saw Kanao mad and she started screaming and saying that Reki wasn't good enough for me and she was. I screamed back and I think Reki finally realized how much he meant to me," Langa says, rubbing the back of his neck.

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