Chapter 35

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Aino and Kaoru came to the starting point. Kaoru was more focused than I had ever seen him. It seemed like Aino didn't like the idea of versing Kaoru since he looked pissed. The red light was on, soon it was yellow, and right before it was the green light...Aino put his hand out to stop. Everyone looked confused and Aino smirked at the ground.

"How about we make a bet...Kaoru," Aino says, smiling. He was planning something...HE WAS GOING TO HURT KAORU! I tried going through the crowd, but they kept pushing me back.

"What wager?" Kaoru asks, looking up with a frown.

"A bet on my beloved, Carla. Winner gets to date and marry her," Aino says, smirking harder. No, no, NO!

"Kaoru!" I yell out! But, it didn't seem that he heard me, because he nodded at Aino's bet. The red and yellow lights repeated. I tried my best to make it through the crowd. The green light hit when I got to the front, and the two were off. I stared for the first two minutes and slapped my head. I got on to the starting point and started to run. With my expression, people probably thought I was stupid or something.

"Aye! Get off! It's not even in the race!" I heard people yell, but I did not care. I cared about Kaoru's safety! Maybe...that's how he felt when I wasn't eating. Gee, I was being such a hypocrite. I started to slow down and that is when I realized it wasn't the time to feel guilty. I took a deep breath and kept running. Soon, I found myself right behind them.

"Kaoru! Stop!" I yell like an Alexa put in full volume. Kaoru turned around to see me running and panting. My head felt dizzy, but I didn't care about that right now. Aino smirked and got off his skateboard. He then took his skateboard and went charging on Kaoru.

"Duck! Behind you?" I say, pointing my fingers.

"Hu-," Before I could say anything else, there was a slam on Kaoru's head and he went dropping to the ground. His head was bleeding and I saw tears fly out of my eyes. I felt my face not be stiff anymore, yet more flexible as I clenched my cheeks and yelled with all my feelings together. Not the one that sounds like a robot, the one that sounds like me.

"KAORRUUU!!!" I yelled at top of my lung. I ran to him and fell to the ground weeping while letting all my emotions out as everyone watched. "AINO YOU BASTARD!!!"

"Oh beautiful, my love is getting herself back. We will have a splendid date after this," Aino says, smiling. I wanted to run up to him and punch the shit out of his smile. Joe came quickly with the others (apart from Langa since he went to find Reki).

"CC?" I heard Sasha's voice tremble.

"YOU AND ME NOW! ONE-ON-ONE!" I yell with tears flooding out of my eyes. "Joe, take Kaoru to the hospital." Joe stood frozen as he heard my voice with emotions for the first time. I slapped Joe to get his game back "Kaoru hospital, NOW!"

I quickly turned over to Aino who already started before me. I took Kaoru's skateboard and threw it in front of me as I jumped on top of it. I pushed my legs hard onto the ground as I went dashing, trying to keep up with Aino. My vision began to get blurry, but that isn't what I am focused on right now. I am not even focused on how I broke free from Robot Carla. My legs started to ache, but I kept going. My brain started to hurt, but I kept going. Soon, I caught up to Aino, who looked a bit worried, but his worry turned into a smirk when he looked down at my hips.

"Shall we dance?" Aino asks and pulls me closer to him. He twirls me around on Kaoru's skateboard, as I couldn't control myself. He did a couple of dance moves, but I was surprised that I was still able to hold on. Then, Aino pulled me into his hands as my body slammed against his. I pout, when I see his face closer. He gives me his shitty smirks again, and I felt his hands go inside my shirt and my eyes widened. MOVE AWAY CARLA!! I wasn't able to react quicker, and it was too late. He pressed hard on my weak spot.

"Bye, my eve," I heard Aino coo and go in front of me. I started to slow down a the point I was going to give up. I already felt dizzy, and now this? It's useless...

No, Carla! If you want a happy ending, you must win this race. I slowly put my leg down and kept pushing harder. I soon came close to Aino. I didn't even think about seeing his face. All I thought about was the finish line. Soon, we both arrived at the place where the endpoint was. Everyone was cheering. Aino tried keeping up while I felt very drowsy. I soon reached the stairs, without realizing it, and ended up falling and tumbling down the stairs. I looked up to see Aino skating above me and I quickly got up and pushed Aino as I dashed to the endline. Sasha and the others were waiting for me.

"YOU WON CC! AND YOU-," before Sasha could say anything, I fell into her arms and closed my eyes, letting go of everything. I beat Aino. Not only for me but for everyone. I hate it when I sound cheesy, but this one helps me relax in Sasha's arms. I let go of all my worries and fainted.

All around me was cheering from my friends, while I was out blank. I felt like a bird, finally free from its a chicken. I felt myself in a white room with nothing in it, and I dad?

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