Chapter 26

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Sasha was sitting next to me and stared at my fingers. I usually peel the skin on my fingers off whenever I get nervous about doing something. Obviously, I couldn't show the nervousness on my face.

"You good girl?" She asks me and holds my hand to stop doing that. 

"I've never been a bridesmaid before," I mutter.

"It's a piece of cake! Literally, all you have to do is go behind the bride. Since you are at the age for marriage, the bride will throw her bouquet and you have to try catching it before the other girls that are around your age and are not married," Angelo explains to me. 

"Oh, but still. Walking and a million eyes on you and if you get the bouquet you are getting married next, how fun!" I say in a robotic way. I am not looking forward to this "fun event."

"Correct me if I am wrong, but was that sarcasm, or were you actually being all woohoo!" Aaron asks as he began to drive. 

"Sarcasm," I say, crossing my arms.

"God, get yourself back together!" Angelo whines. "At least we would understand you."

"Does it look like I chose to be like this?" I ask, looking out the window. 

"Bro, Angelo. You sound like you're telling a dead man to come alive again," Aaron snorts. Sasha glared at Aaron and slapped the back of his head. 

"OW! Oh, offense, C," Aaron mumbles as he looks back at me. I suddenly realized what he meant. He meant dead man, as in my father. 

"None taken. I didn't think of it that way, until Sasha slapped you," I say. We soon arrived at the Church and there was a room just for the bride, so I and Sasha went inside there. When we got in, we saw Arera crying. 

"Hey, hey! Why are you crying on your special day?" Sasha says, running up to Arera and rubbing her back. 

"My d-dress was s-stolen!" She blurts out. 

"Do you want me to go tell Flore?" I ask her. 

"Please don't! I don't want him to worry. You guys don't have to worry about me, I will sort my own problem out. Sorry if I caused trouble," Arera mutters. 

"Arera literally shut up," I say. I've had enough of this. Sasha and Arera looked surprised as the two looked up at me. I pushed Sasha out of the way and slapped her across the face. 

"This is your special day and you're caring about what other people think? Don't give a shit about that. You are a human being, just like everyone else, and you can't solve everything by yourself. How many times do I gotta tell you? We are friends and we are here to help you out. So stop being overwhelmed and let me and Sasha help you out. No buts, 'cause we are doing it," I say. Arera bursts into tears again and hugs me tight. 

"Though you sound weird when you say it, I can tell you mean it. Thank you so much, Carl!" She says crying into my dress. "And I see why you wore what you wore. It is to make my day special because you guys picked things I loved. I never knew I would find such friends like you guys. Thank you so much!"

"Arera, we know you have gone through a lot in the past. Forget all that shit, because you have a new start, new friends, and a soon-to-be new husband," Sasha says. 

"I'll go get her dress if I can find it. If not, I'll go buy her a new one. While that, Sasha, get her make up and hair ready," I say. 

"Copy that!" Sasha says as she makes Arera sit down and she takes out her makeup. I walk outside and look around for Aaron. 

"Yo Aaron, over here!" I say. I get on my tippy toes and whisper into his ear. "We have a problem but don't tell Flore." I tell him about it and he starts to think. 

"You see that girl in that yellow dress there? I bet she has something to do with it. She is a childhood friend of Florent. Every time we hung out with her and Florent, she was pretty clingy, and was so obvious that she liked Florent. She was pretty damn upset when he proposed. So, use your Sherlock mind and hunt her down,"  Aaron says, putting his hand on my shoulder. 

"Rodger that," I say and I began walking to her. 

"Hey ma'am, we are taking pictures of each lady here. Can we start with you?" I ask as I look over at that girl. She had the eyes of a brat that I literally wanted to punch her in the face. 

"Of course, I'm literally one of the most important people here. Besides, I and Groom are very close. Some people say we should get married instead," She says in a teasing voice. I held a fist and led her to an empty room. 

"So, how do you want me to pose and where is your camera?" She asks me. I close the door and push her to the ground. She looked at me in surprise. 

"Come on, I know you hate the bride and you stole her dress. Where is it?" I ask her. 

"Whatever do you mean?" She asks like she has nothing to do with it. I can see it right through her eyes. 

"Tell me or else I rip your clothes, humiliate you, and tell what sins you have done to the Groom," I say. 

"So what if I did? Florent won't believe you. Because, I have been friends with him for so long! So what if I don't want him to marry that worthless rat and what if I stole her dress?" She snorts. 

"Beautifully said, princess. I got a whole recording of you saying shit," I say robotically as I took my phone out. 

"If you excuse me, I need to speak to the groom," I say, leaving the room. 

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