Chapter 42

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"Get off, Kaoru," I whine since I really want to have a romantic night with him. I'm not saying this isn't romantic, I want to do what I planned for us. "Pleasee."

"It's adorable how desperate you are," Kaoru says, dodging my whining. 

"Kaoru," I whined harder. He chuckled and moved to the side, making him fall on his back. I got up and helped him sit in his wheelchair. I made him face the window while I started to get everything ready. 

I first put a small red towel on his bed to prevent crumbs. I'm not too fond of a bed where I feel crumbs in. I put the candles in the two drawers next to the bed; one big candle and a small candle on top of each drawer. 

"Those candles look charmingly resplendent," I hear Kaoru tease. I turned to face him and realized that since it was darkening, he can see the reflection. I pouted and rolled him into the bathroom, and came back outside after closing the door. I came outside and put the food on the red towel. I took out the food and snacks on the bed.

 On the sides, I put the glasses of champagne and put the champagne bottle right next to the bed. I dimmed the light, and everything looked somewhat romantic. Luckily, Kaoru had a TV in his bedroom so we could watch some Rom-Com. I went into the bathroom and closed his eyes as I took him back out. I took my hands off him and put my hands behind my back. 

"So, what do you think?" I ask, smiling hard. 

"I still feel like it's my job to do this for you," Kaoru says, looking up at me. 

"Well, too bad! I'm the one who will be doing this for our first date," I say, crossing my arms. 

"Can we have this as a pre-date and I take you out on our first date?" Kaoru asks me. 

"No! A date is a date," I say, helping him on the bed and making sure the food doesn't spill. 

"Ah, my favorite snacks, you do ken me well," Kaoru says, looking at the food. 

"Of course!" I say, laughing. I onned the TV and put on a movie for both of us to watch. I poured us some champagne, and we started to eat. When we were done, I put everything on the ground and snuggled in with Kaoru. 

"You know, Joe asked Sasha out on a date. I was supposed to third wheel them, but I came to hang out with you," I say. 

"Got jealous?" Kaoru asks, putting his arms around me. I looked down and back up at him. 

"I'm waiting for you to get better," I say. 

"Well, that was me when you didn't show any emotions. I would wait day and day," Kaoru says. "I wanted to experience the Carla I ken right now and I profoundly relish her."

"That's really cheesy, but I love it," I say, chuckling as I rest on my hand. 

"I'm ecstatic," Kaoru says, laughing with me. 

"Say, when are you getting discharged?" I ask him. 

"Tomorrow, I'm sure. I require to be in a wheelchair for a couple of months," Kaoru says, calculating in his head. 

"How is Langa?" Kaoru asks. I got excited when he asked about Langa. I got up and sat as I explained Langa and Reki's situation and he listened without getting bored. He had a soft smile that warmed me and felt like butterflies in my stomach, the good ones, not the nervous ones. \

"No way! Kanao authentically did that?" Kaoru asks in surprise. 

"I know right, I was really surprised! Also, Miya and I stayed at my mother's house," That's when a thought popped up in my head. "Say Kaoru? From how long I've known you, you never talked about your family." 

"What do you betoken, you are my family," Kaoru says, looking away. 

"I mean your parents, siblings. It's always been about me. I want to know more about you," I say. 

"I conjecture it is time to tell you," Kaoru sighs. "I have two dads and a younger sister. She is in college right now." 

"Wow, that's cute!" I say, clapping my hands fast. 

"Well, I did have a mom," Kaoru kept going on. "My parents divorced and I stayed with my father and my sister was adopted."

"Oh..., gomen. I bet there was a lot of drama as you grew," I say, making a pitiful face.

"Well, I had a friend with me, so I authentically didn't have much of a quandary. I abhor to admit it, but it was Joe. We have been friends for a while now, like you and Sasha. He always cheered me up, but we have a diminutive quarrel amity," Kaoru explains to me. 

"Awww, that's adorable," I say. That was the cutest thing Kaoru has ever told me about Joe. 

"I've always wondered how you two became friends. You guys are complete opposites when it comes to personality," I say. "Same with me and Sasha! Growing up, Sasha had some family problems too, so my parents were her parents as well. We literally did everything together. I know people say friends don't last forever, but in rare occasions, there is that one friend who will always be there for you,"

"Now, enough about others, and let's verbalize about us," Kaoru says, putting his hands around me and pulling me closer to him. My cheeks turned light pink and I looked away. 

"Emotion or not, you always looked delicately comely when you blushed," Kaoru says. 

"My god, you really aren't the Kaoru I met in the beginning," I say, laughing. 

"My veritable colors, love," He says, smiling. I smiled back and Kaoru slowly leaned in for a kiss. I leaned in with him. That is when I remembered all the times we got stopped from kissing. I pushed him away and quickly smashed my lips onto Kaoru's. 

Finally, I had a romantic kiss scene with the love of my life. 

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