Chapter 44

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"Kaoru?" I called, looking up at him. He was fast asleep and laid his head on my boobs. I smiled hard and checked the time. 

9:30 pm

And two messages from Langa, 2 minutes ago. I opened them.


Lang: You still at the hospital

There is no way I could tell Langa what I and Kaoru just did. He is going to freak out and probably ban me from seeing Kaoru... Which he cannot do because I and him are raising Langa, but who knows what Langa would do. 

Me: We just had dinner and I am just about to leave

Lang: You are coming over, right?

Me: Yeah, I'm staying for another night

Lang: Alr, sweet. When is Kaoru getting out of the hospital

Me: From what he told me, tomorrow morning is when he gets discharged

Lang: So today is our last day, huh? Yet, you wasted it on hanging out with Kaoru

Me: Listen, Langa, we can hang out whenever we want. Kaoru doesn't let me work for a weird reason, so I am literally free whenever you want me. I know I haven't hung out with you much for the past months, but whenever I am not busy and you want to hang out, I'm all yours.

Langa: Alright, be quick!

Me: Yessir!

I put my phone down and moved Kaoru's head off me. But he clung on and hugged my thighs.

"You're leaving already?" Kaoru whines with his eyes still closed. 

"I got to go Kaoru. I'm sure my visiting times are almost over. I need to clean this place up," I say, moving him aside as he groans in annoyance at my leave. I pushed myself to the edge of the bed and got on my least for like 2 seconds because then I fell to the ground and felt my parts paining. 

"Oh crap!" I say, in surprise. As I stayed on the ground, I put on my clothes and crawled to each place, and became cleaning them up. Then, I threw our food away and packed the leftovers. I crawled back onto the bed and helped Kaoru put his clothes on. After I was done, I sighed and right in time the nurse came in. 

"Visiting times are over ma'am," She tells me with a smile. 

"A-Ah yes, I was just about to make my can go!" I say, smiling. She nodded. I kissed Kaoru on his forehead and held on to the wall as I went outside. People watched me as I walked, god I felt so stupid and embarrassed. I immediately called Sasha. 

"You think you can pick me up?" I ask her. 

"Girl, where you at? You ditched me on my date," Sasha says. 

"Your first date should be alone together and I kind of wanted my own romantic time with Kaoru," I say. 

"Ahh, I see. Isn't the hospital and your house just a ten minute walk?" She asks me. 

"I'm going to my mama's," I say. 

"That's even closer," Sasha asks confused. 

"I will explain in the car ride, just hurry," I whine. 

"Alright, bet!" Sasha says. Soon, her motorcycle was near the hospital. 

"Dang, since when did you get this bae?" I ask, admiring her motorcycle.

"Joe bought it for me," She says, blushing. I got on, slowly since it was hard to sit since I had to spread my legs. 

"Oh fuck," I mutter under my breath. 

"Now, spill, why couldn't you walk back home?" Sasha asks. I didn't know if I should tell Sasha.  I mean she is my life's best friend, but she will make a big deal. 

"Cuz, I was kinda lazy," I say, shrugging. 

"Girl what?" Sasha asks, pouting. " I thought it was important. I thought Kaoru fucked you or something and you couldn't walk. 

"Noooo," I say, leaning on her back. 

"Whatever, let's get you home," Sasha says, rolling her eyes. She took me all the way to my mama's house and helped me down. I had no balance and I fell down to the floor. 

"Carls? What the hell? You're acting like your drunk," She says and I was going to admit, I was pretty drunk and as a drunk person I was a bit more conscious than most drunk people. 

"Maybe I am, I just had a couple of glasses of wine with Kaoru," I say, yawning. 

"This is why I carry these pills everywhere I go," Sasha says, taking a water bottle and some pills. They were to help me get less drunk. 

"That is because you drink pretty often," I say in a soft whine. As I whined she plopped the pills in my mouth and water. I swallowed it and immediately fainted. 

"Dang, I don't usually faint when I take these pills. Maybe it's for the starters who do take these pills," Sasha shrugs. She knocked on the door and my mama opened it. She told my mama I fell asleep during the ride and Sasha carries me to bed and she went back home. Langa and Miya were already asleep because tomorrow was school for them like it was today. 

The next day 

I woke up the next day with miscalls from an unknown number, so I rang it again.

"Mushi, Mushi?" I say into the phone. 

"Must this be Kaoru's girlfriend?" A person asks. I had butterflies in my stomach when they said that. 

"That is she," I say proudly. 

"Ma'am, having sex in the hospital with a patient is unacceptable. Your boyfriend would have been discharged today, but he may have to stay for a bit longer to just get him checked. This also adds on with the fee," The lady says. I felt so embarrassed and turned my volume a bit lower. 

"Gomen, ma'am. It won't happen again and I will pay for the fee, I promise," I say awkwardly.

"Thank you, your man will be discharged in a couple of days, while that you are banned from visiting," She says and before I could say anything, she cuts the call. That was pretty dumb of us, but every second was worth it. 

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