update ; please read!!

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this will not be edited.

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lowercase intended ⬇️

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the things below this point are important in regards to this story and other stories i may post to this account.

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𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 ; if you see that i updated an already posted oneshot, i probably reread it (i know, how terrible. i reread my own work) and noticed an error so i fixed it. with the exception of the 'requests/rules/warnings' page.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃 ; i do not attempt to make the characters written in a way that is specific to race, ethnicity, height, or weight, unless specifically said otherwise.

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐃 ; i don't mention people on oneshots unless they ask or are okay with it. so far, only one person wanted to be mentioned. i will not mention someone who isn't okay with it.

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i don't plan to go on hiatus or end this book here, so don't worry about that.

however, school has started up again and it's going to be a bit harder for me to write and post.

i'm doing college classes, high school classes, have daily chores, and watch siblings so it will take a lot of my time.

when i have breaks from the college and high school i attend, don't have chores to do, and not busy watching my siblings, i will upload a few chapters instead of only one or two, if possible.

i usually try to write one chapter a week since i believe in quality over quantity, which is why i don't do more in a single week.

i do plan to write a lot of oneshots, series, and other things until this is full (200 chapters) or i'm done writing it.

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i will be changing the way I set up the first part of my oneshots.

there is a part on all of them that tells the ship, trigger warnings, tropes/content, and any notes that may be needed.

i'm changing how i set that up for a few reasons. none of them are important, it's mostly a cosmetic type of thing. this book is kinda chaotic and i have OCD. so i want it to look better for that.

my sister is the one who decided how the oneshots thing should be setup. but it will be changing.

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i don't usually like to rant, but i've deleted a few comments that are highly inappropriate.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 ; there is no reason that anyone is commenting rude things on this book. i don't care if they're directed at me, but don't direct them at people who may request something.

i write almost anything, as you may have noticed since i don't have many rules.

so i do not understand why people DM me or comment things (that i've deleted) about how much they hate the things in the oneshot.

if you have an issue, don't read it.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐋𝐘 ; if you request something that you didn't know was against the rules because you didn't know what it was, that's okay and i won't hold it against you.

however, if you knowingly ask me to write something that is incest, smut, or something else against the rules, i will report you. if you ask once, it's fine. but if you keep asking, you're getting reported.

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐃𝐋𝐘 ; there is no reason for someone to have asked me for a 'kokushibo x reader x yoriichi. incest. smut.'

under no circumstances would i ever write something like that. i stated many times that i wasn't comfortable writing it, and they kept asking.

please stop asking for things like that.

sorry for the venting session.

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i plan to make an actual fanfic.

this book was started as a way for me to write whilst not having to be super formal about it. i wanted to have a book to just relax and have fun.

this is that book.

however, i am currently working on a new book that is formal.

it's a demon slayer fanfic that is having the events voted on by my discord.

every bit of it from the ships, main character, to the weapons and breathing style the main character uses was voted on by my discord chat.

there will be a snippet posted here for the book before it comes out.

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i think that's all for now. i'll add to this as needed.

have a good day/afternoon/night!


~~finn <3

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