UL Chapter 14: Don't call me that

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"L-Luce..." he called, unknown to himself why'd he called the blonde that entered the room with that name, all he knows is that there is a familiar warmth dwelling inside his chest.

Seeing her makes her tear up a bit, she seems to be a big part of his life. He doesn't knew why but he somehow felt that he's longing for her hugs. Wait, what?

But how does he know her name? Or is it her name? he doesn't have any memories from the past right? Especially from this place, so how does he feel like he knew her very well?

He suddenly felt his cheeks getting damped, and when he touches it, he realized that he's been crying all along. Why is he crying after seeing her? What is she to him that he felt that he badly needs to explain to her, to shower her with butterfly kisses and hug her for all eternity, and to tell how sorry he was to her and how dear she is to him.

On the other hand, Lucy was shocked seeing her boyfr- ex boyfriend -though they didn't have an official breakup- in front of her, tears automatically invaded her eye sacks,.she's feeling much emotion right now, Happy to see him again, sad when she remebers that he's already engage. Lots of question were bombarding her mind like why is he here? Does he come back for her? Why does she wanted to hug him?

She tries to move but she's stuck in her place, completely frozen inside. Seeing him makes her paralyzed. But even if she can move, she still can't run into his arms anymore. He already has a fiance and so does she.

She look at the ivory headed girl who's now as confused as the others inside the room, she's his fiance. She doesn't want to get jealous of her but knowing that she's his fiance, she can't help but feel jealous.

She looked at him again, only to see him shedding tears, but why? A it because they finally see each other again for the first time in five years? Wiping her the tears that was about to fall, she forced a smile and greeted him.

"W-Welcome back... Yo-Hi." Lucy greeted, using the honorific name of the pinkette.

NAtsu's eyebrows ceased in annoyance after hearing the blonde called him his honorific name, why is it that when she called him Yo-Hi he felt irritated, not wanting her to call him with that name.

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