UL Chapter 3: Drag Racing ...

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Minna-san ! i know it took me almost a month to give you another chapter on this story :3 I'm sorry for that , you know that also as busy as you guys right ? but right now I just got a chance to update :3 but seriously i was about to sleep but I remembered that i didn't updated this so yeah ... here's another Chapter for you all .

dedicated to my sub account @Pink_Neko 'coz I don't know who to dedicate ...

enjoy ...


When Natsu assures that she is now safe , he takes his leave out of the Raion's territory .

On the other hand , Lucy was about to enter the mansion when she heard a soft melody coming from the music room , She just realized that she's already walking to the music's way when the tune of the musical instrument was getting clearer on her hearing .

She then entered the said room , and saw an orange haired male playing a violin .

As the music stopped , she can't help herself but clapped on his little performance and that caught the attention of the male musician .

When he looked to see his audience , a lopsided smirk formed on his thin yet kissable lips when he found his audience sitting on one of the stall beside him .

" Lucy , when did you came ? " he asked " and why did you come home late ? " he asked worriedly . " you know that if mom and dad were here they will scold you for getting home late , you know how much they worry about you right ?" and yes , she knows that .

Ever since she's a child the Raion Family took care of her as if she's really one of their family member in blood and flesh . They even took responsibility to her when her mother died .

" I'm sorry Loke . I can't find any cab thats why I came home late " Lucy said with an apologetic smile crept on her face .

" did Yo-Hi picked you up ? " Loke asked .

" y-yes . Thanks to him if he didn't come those two delinquents might have raped me ... " Lucy said

" what !? you almost got raped ?! oh thank God Yo-Hi was there to save you " Loke said " Lucy , next time don't go out of the university if you don't have an accompany ne ? " Loke added .

" Hai !" Lucy said while smiling .

" good , now go back to your room and sleep , its late already " Loke said messing her hair before he push her lightly .


The next day , Lucy went out of her university much earlier than the other day so she doesn't worry much about the delinquents from the other night for lots of people and taking back and fort to the university .

She went to the nearest waiting shed she saw and waited for a cab for about fifteen minutes when he saw a familiar Pink Honda Fit Car .

When the car stopped to the waiting shed , the window in front of her went down revealing A certain pinkette inside . I know it sounds gay having that kind of car and worst is its color pink , but he just bought that stupid car for the blonde likes it [though that car was the car I really wanted to have coz it freakishly cute !!! i also wanted a Hyundai Eon and Nissan i don't know the name to see the car , click the external link=======>> anyway back to the story]

"Natsu ... what are you doing here ? " Lucy asked .

" well , i came to pick you up . Any problem with it ? " Natsu asked raising one of his eyebrow to her .

" b-b-b-but I-I c-can ---"

" you can what ? go home alone ? don't you remember that you almost got raped here yesterday ? Now Just hopped in Luce ... and we are going somewhere else . " he said , at first she hesitates but then Natsu spoke again .

" Don't let me come out here and let me get you in here " Natsu said that made her hop on the back of the car .

When she looked at him in the rearview mirror , she saw him giving daggers at her .

" what ? " she asked innocently .

" Damn girl , I'm not your fckin driver so get your ass in here " Natsu said pointing to the front seat .

" you don't really need to curse me . you know I hate it whenever you cuss right , especially when I'm the one you're cussing " Lucy said folding her arms on her big bust as she pouted childishly .

" *sigh* I'm sorry okay . I really am , now could you please get in here " Natsu said .

Sighing , Lucy opened the cars door and sit beside him .

" Happy now ? " she asked sarcastically and earn a nod from him .

" yes , its way much better " Natsu said as he drove the car to who-knows-where-place !!!

" Natsu , where are we going ? " Lucy asked suddenly . Natsu then looked at her then to the road before smirking . Oh boy she doesn't like that smirk , its as if he's plotting something .

" oh you'll see later ... you'll see " he said , still a smirk on his goofy face , Lucy's eyes turn plates when he said those words .

"kyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh !!! " she shouted .

" hey , don't yell ! " Natsu said while laughing .

" Natsu get me out of here this instance ! I don't like that smirk of yours ! I really don't ! " she said hysterically .

" what's wrong with smirking ? Luce ... just come with me . Have you even get into trouble when you're with me ? no , you always get into trouble when you're alone , just like last night . And did I ever hurt you before ? no ! so quit being hysterical " Natsu said that made her lower her head . What he told her was soo true so why is she exaggerating ?

" see , you can't look at me because what I told you was true . " he said . She just then shut up , knowing that he's right and she won't gonna win this argument , and also she knows that he won't let her out of the car .

She just then focused her eyes on the road until they entered a newly build subdivision , some on the house were already have people living in but mostly the other half doesn't have any .

Her eyes widened in fear as she saw lots of racing car on the said subdivision . She then saw a red racing car that was owned by the pinkette . Now she know why they're here ...

He's gonna join this drag racing contest !


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