UL Chapter 6: Not suited for him...

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Its been all over a month since the day they officially became together, but despite it, no one knows about this relationship they have, not even their friends.

And since no one knows about it, whenever they wanted to meet, they would go to the sea not so far to the Raion's.

At the very moment, they were seating pn the seashore, cuddling each other while they watch the sun to set.

"Luce... after 5 years, i swear it to God I'll marry you here right at this spot. We'll have our house not so far here and we'll make our family here" Natsu said as he stroke his blonde girlfriend's golden locks.

"I'll go with you anywhere... i don't care whether we went to an isolated Island or on the deep woods, as ling as i'm with you..." Lucy said as she hugged him tightly, sniffing his peppermint scent.

"Ne, baby what's the date now?" Natsu asked suddenly.

"Uhmm, December 09, 2009. Why?" She asked curiously

"Then, in December 09, 2014 i'll marry you here. I promised, you know that whenever I promise i will do it even if it cost my life" he said.

"Uhn, I know that. *sigh* we should go back now, it's getting late" she said as she stands up and started to dust off her shorts. Natsu did the same and held her hand.

"Lets go. I'll walk you home" he said.

"Nah, I have my bike here. You go now" she said while smiling.

"No, I insist----"

"Natsu... don't be such a hard headed boy. I can go home"


"Yo-Hi" she said seriously that made him pouted.

"Don't call me that" he muttered toward his breath, "why don't yah wanna make me walk you home? Don't you love me anymore?" He asked.

"Baby, that is te silliest thing that I've ever heard, of course I do love you. It's just that... you know our situation right? They don't know about us right?" She said.

"*sigh* yeah, i know. But remember ne? Again, here, same time" he said.

"Yes" she said and turn around to him and was about to leave when the pinkette held her hand.

"What" she asked softly.

"Well aren't you forgetting something?" He asked grinning to her while raising both of his eyesbrows at the same time.

"Forget what? You're weird" she said before looking at their spot but found nothing in there, " I don't forgot someting" she said that made him pout.

"You don't know what you forgot?" He said, a smile then crossed as he pouted again, "this" he said as he pointed his pouty lips.

Lucy chuckled after getting what he has been telling the whole time, slowly she lean forward him and give him a quick kiss, after she pulled out, she quickly ran but then turn around and waved at him.

"Tomorrow ne? Same time!" She yelled.

"Uhn~" he said smiling while waiving his hands to her disappearing body.


When she's already at the Raion's teritory...

She was about to enter its enourmous gate when a black limouseine stopped in front of her, the window opened as it revealed a mid forty woman with its pink locks.

One of the body guards of the said woman opened the door next to her allowing her to enter. When she entered the said vehicle, she bowed at her politely.

"Madam Porlyusica" she said politely.

"I'll be saying this to you straight to the point. Lucy..." she said as one of her servants took out a gray brief case and opened it, reaviling bundles of hundred bucks in there.

"It's one hundred million dollars Lucy" she said as one of her servants took put another brief case and opened it. Just like the other brief case it's also full of hundred bucks of money.

"But, i'll give you this two brief case that has hundredillion each. See a hundred plus a hundred then it's two hundred." She said. "That's a lot of money that can provide anything you wanted. But its alright, for me I'm just giving you a penny" she said while looking at her fingernails.

"Uh... what is the meaning of all this madam?" Lucy asked though she knows what she wanted.

"*sigh* for a dean lister like you, you're the stupidest one that I have encounter." She scoffed. "What I wanted to say here is I'll gave you this money, or if you wanted I can give you more, in one condition... break up with my son" she said.

Lucy's eyes turn wide after hearing what she just heard to the pinkette's mom. She knows about it? But how?!

"You see Heartfilia, you are not suited for my precious son, and for sure what the both of you feel for each other was just a mere care for friendship. After all you two were childhood friend." She said.

"And to tell you frankly... i objected to that friendship. You were like a dust on my son's suit" she continued "now go take the money and leave my son. He's too far far you to reach so stop assuming" she added.

Lucy just smile at her sweetly before closing the two brief case on her front.

"I'm sorry Madam, but I don't need your money" she said sincerely that made the latter's blood boil.

"*chuckles* of course. I can see this coming. You are not going to take the money i offered to you because if my son marry you, you will took our fortune till the very last drop." Porlyusica said as she snickered. "What a gold digger are we?"

"Madam, first of all, I'm not a gold digger, I love your son, not the money that he'll inherit to you. If ypu think that I' just marry your son because of your money then you are sefinitely wrong. I'd rather live with him on an isolated island if you think that i'll marry him because of the luxury. Yeah, he was so far for me but he wasn't that impossible to reach. And if you think that its my dignity that has been lessen here well think again madam" she said in a well dignified tone.

"Chi, you liar" she muttered but the blonde heard it.

"Madam, My mother did not raised me so well to lie, she raised me so well until her very last breath. And what is the point of lying? Will it make me famous or bring back my mom's life? Then if so then I would just lie forever. But sadly it won't make me famous nor give my mom's life back instead it'll just make me guilty about lying. And why do lie about stuffs when it will be revealed later on?" She said leaving the pinkette speechless.

"Well good day madam, and always remember I love you your son, even if you think that I'm not suited for him..." she added before she went out of the limouseine.

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